I was having this exact problem with a
heavily modified Dell Inspiron 17R N7110 running on Windows 10 Pro,
except that it would only occur while running on battery. I was thinking I had screwed something up with my modifying, especially with the Logitech Receiver since it was only happening when the touchpad or Logitech wireless USB mouse was used.
My Problem:
After several tests with a clean Windows 10 install (no internet) and manual driver install, the problem would begin right after installing the Intel HD Graphics 3000 driver (
Again, this would ONLY happen while the laptop was running on battery. After about 4-5 seconds without any keyboard or mouse input, the screen appeared to flicker/stutter sideways slightly to the right . (It would look like the display had a momentarily bad connection. )
It seemed that if I tried to move the mouse right after this event is when the display image became partially corrupted. I say partially because I could still see the desktop enough to perform basic actions. After waiting for about 4-5 seconds again, with no inputs, the screen would flicker and return to normal. The pics below show what the screen looked like with and without the corruption.
My Solution:
In my situation, I discovered it was just a simple setting in the Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel. The solution to my problem had to do with the Intel "Display Refresh Rate Switching" feature. The Tooltip states, "This feature extends battery life for the Built-in Displays
that support multiple refresh rates by dynamically lowering the refresh rate of the display. This user preference can be overridden by the display driver based on the power plan, power source, or internal power policy. Clear the check box to disable the option. "
After I disabled this feature, I never experienced the problem again!
Modified Inspiron N7110 Details:
-upgraded mobo DP/N: 9NWTG (Discrete NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M w/2 GB dedicated RAM)
-upgraded heatsink DP/N: G8K4H (dual/combo for both CPU & GPU)
-upgraded DC Power Jack DP/N: 0H3T2 (additional wires to support greater current load)
-upgraded AC Adapter DP/N: 0JU012 (higher current draw support-130 watt)
-upgraded Intel CPU: i7-2820QM
-upgraded Keyboard *(Backlit w/Win10 key!) DP/N: NRXV8 (Eng. international) or F94X5 (plain Eng.)
-upgraded RAM to Crucial 16 GB kit: CT2K102464BF186D (it does indeed run at 1867 MHz!)
-modified Logitech Unifying receiver to run on 3.3 Vdc and hardwired/soldered to unused mobo header CN3 (used on Dell Vostro 3750 for Card reader)
-hardwired/soldered additional USB 2.0 port to mobo with power supplied by unused mobo header J1 (touch panel header) and USB data from unused header J1 (for WiMAX PCIe) on I/O board
-stock BIOS: version A13
Credit for this solution goes to:
for this post: