Making ISO files...

You can use a plain old text editor like "NotePad" and save it as a *.iso file. (Make sure you choose <i>*.* all files</i> instead of <i>Text Document</i>)

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^ This right here is the most unhelpful post I've ever seen.

Whoever thinks up a good sig for me gets a prize :wink:
So you're saying the .nrg file that nero saves as an image is just an .iso? I've seen a couple of programs that save an .img file, which is the 'proper' term for an .iso image. But I've never really messed around with nero like that. I use another program that loads iso's natively.
See if there's an option saying "burn to image" or something close to that.

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I had the same dilemma. However I think Nero can record to a virtual device therefore creating an iso instead of burning a cd.
Still best way to make ISOs is with linux :tongue:

"He who laughs last doesn't get the joke"