Man Gets Speeding Ticket, Buys Police Website

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Now if he set it up so that people could send in lat/long from a smartphone when they drive by a camera or cop, and somehow forward that info on to Google Maps like a traffic report, that would be something.

I have nothing against red light cameras, as long as they, and the lights they monitor, are honest and reasonable. Nothing reasonable about a light that transitions from green to red in 1 second in a 55 zone, but most of the time these do curb red-light running, and can save lives.

I have everything against speed cameras. Speed limits exist only because drivers are inadequately trained and insufficiently aware of their responsibilities and their vehicles' shortcomings.
I got a ticket once for going 68 in a 40. When the police officer pulled me over, I honestly didn't know why he was doing so. I asked him if I had a tail light out or something, or missed a stop sign, or what.

When I went to court (it was mandatory b.c. in the state of VA that much of a speed difference is considered reckless driving), it finally came to light that the officer had failed to calibrate his radar gun. There were several people in that court room for similar reasons, and all of us were summarily excused by the judge.

I had been in second gear at the time of the alleged violation. I was not going anywhere near as fast as 68, or even 58. And this is why I do not trust speed cameras - especially when the company operating the camera and radar has a financial incentive to "calibrate" the system in their favor.

It is not a matter of why don't they track all cars at all times. It IS a matter of WHEN they put blackboxes in all vehicles with GPS to boot. They elites are trying real hard to get that done. For the rest of you, one thing you need to understand is that the once great state of tennessee has given multitudes of highways over to "bike routes" which requires lower speeds on highways design for cars and big trucks going 55mph or more. It is all a convenient speed trap for unwary motorists. Traffic lights on the other hand could be handled much differently.
[citation][nom]realitycheck_18[/nom]Speed and red light running kills. Do the crime, pay the fine.[/citation]

Wrong!!! Carelessness and recklessness are what kills. 40,000 people a year are killed on U. S. highways, while government municipalities pick the low hanging fruit via speed traps. While cops are out there trying to fill the government's coffers, and boost their egos, instead of doing their jobs, people continue to die.

If I'm driving 10 MPH over the speed limit, how does that cause an accident? It doesn't. Some careless driver has to break the law and run a stop sign, or pull out in front of me, etc.

Speed limits are set to maximize profits, and bear no resemblance to reality.
56 in a 45 is ridiculous to get a ticket for.

Keep in mind most of these speed limits were imposed when cars handled far worse than modern ones, and many just to conserve gas when cars were more efficient at lower speeds.

Some roads are just begging for a higher speed limit, but the police keep it lower so they can rob people. It's absurd.
[citation][nom]falchard[/nom]Speed limits kill in certain conditions. The Speed Limit was mainly imposed because of fuel economy, not because of safety. There is a serious problem with lack of attention while driving as a result of imposed speed limits on long and straight highways that encompass most of the country.For instance in California, most of the interstates would be safer if the speed limits were removed in the first 2 lanes.[/citation]
I absolutely agree, when driving becomes so boring that you fall asleep on the road. Hypocracy also when they are building sport cars with 500HP but you can only drive 40-60mph in most areas.
[citation][nom]captainnemojr[/nom]I'm glad Texas banned speed cameras. If only the red light cameras would get banned as well :-\[/citation]
Yeah, because actually stopping at red lights is such a pain.
[citation][nom]realitycheck_18[/nom]Speed and red light running kills. Do the crime, pay the fine.[/citation]

There is research that shows that the Red Light cameras on intersections actually cause more accidents. People slam on their brakes when the light turns yellow no matter what in fear of getting a ticket. I would have to go do some digging, but there were a couple intersections in Seattle that had that very problem.
[citation][nom]realitycheck_18[/nom]Speed and red light running kills. Do the crime, pay the fine.[/citation]

So do people driving slow in the fast lane or old people pulling out in front of people and going slow. They removed the red light cameras in Lubbock, TX because accidents increased due to people slamming on their brakes.

On top of all that, there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt you were driving unless the picture was of the driver as well. Just because it is your plates, doesn't mean it was you. That is why the fines are only civil and not criminal, at least here.
[citation][nom]realitycheck_18[/nom]Speed and red light running kills. Do the crime, pay the fine.[/citation]
Not paying attention and lack of experience kills, the speed necessary to kill is already there even if you are obeying the law, more speed doesn't change that you are dead if you make a mistake.

Above everything else you must drive within your limits if that is going 56 in a 45, 85 in a 70, or in the case of one of my friends 20 everywhere because he is even dangerous at 20. There are many people like him driving does this mean that the universal speed limit should be 20,?? NO it means we need to teach and test driving skill comparable to a racing school that actually teaches skill that can be used in everyday driving.
[citation][nom]captainnemojr[/nom]So do people driving slow in the fast lane or old people pulling out in front of people and going slow. They removed the red light cameras in Lubbock, TX because accidents increased due to people slamming on their brakes. On top of all that, there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt you were driving unless the picture was of the driver as well. Just because it is your plates, doesn't mean it was you. That is why the fines are only civil and not criminal, at least here.[/citation]
Maybe those people slamming on their brakes should learn how to drive and actually prepare to stop for red lights rather than speeding up to get through the yellow then stopping at the last minute.

If I seem grumpy about it, it's because I am, my mother and brother were t-boned by a guy in a huge pickup with a front end plow who ran the red. They survived, but my mother sustained pretty severe neck injuries and a partially detached retina. No one is so important that they can't wait at a 30-90 second red (especially since the next one is likely to catch you anyway).
[citation][nom]realitycheck_18[/nom]Speed and red light running kills. Do the crime, pay the fine.[/citation]
Pretty much how I feel (which'll get me negatives) based on what happened to my mother and brother (as I said above) and my cousin's husband who was almost killed on a bridge in MN by someone speeding and then losing control when they hit the bridge (anyone familiar with cold climates should know that bridges/overpasses will typically freeze first). If you don't like the law, write your representative to change it. Until then, follow it and stop trying to get home 5 minutes earlier to watch Lost or American Idol, play WoW, or whatever you people feel is so damned important.
What luck that man had! That's something he will be able to tell his kids and grandchildren by the fire sipping some Jack Daniels.
I was informed in a recent Air National Guard safety lecture that more people have died as a result of vehicle accidents than warfare (in the ANG). A large majority of these were motorcycle fatalities. I wish drivers were more careful. I've seen potheads swerving lately, while holding their joint out the window. If you're going to be a loser, do it when you have no children and aren't endangering the public please. is down. Guess I won't be getting any speeding tickets because the Internet traffic isn't even going through.

Hey McCrary, since you spent so much time getting the domain name and building the site, how about getting a hosting package which will let more than a dozen people a month see what's going on?
[citation][nom]frozenlead[/nom]This is pretty awesome, but I'm so-so on the subject. I mean, cameras are a cheap (cheap as in morally, not monetarily) way to get some cash for the government, but then again, you are breaking the law when you speed...but then again, everyone speeds, and everyone knows it. Honestly, who sticks to the speed limit?[/citation]
Yeah but what does that really mean to speed or speeding. I think it's a misnomer at best, if a speed limit is posted at 40mph and your doing 41mph, does that really constitute speeding? Keep in mind that your car isn't officially calibrated for accuracy under the law. Most laws or codes written account for a +- 5mph to allow for this discrepancy. How often have you found yourself traveling down that same road only to find a few miles down it's all of a sudden 45mph, yet the road hasn't changed or your surroundings. The problem isn't so much that your speeding but that there is no consistency or mph rating is politically motivated. The was an incident in Montana I believe, where a stretch of road had no speed limit, the moral oral's were in an uproar, but the fact was that accidents were reduced exponentially, lowing insurance claims, and health care costs. It was short lived because to governor retired, and his incumbent re-instated the speed limit only to incur a rise in both accidents and death rate. Go figure?
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