Man Gets Speeding Ticket, Buys Police Website

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[citation][nom]timbozero[/nom]Sell it back to them for $91 plus incured costs[/citation]

Yeah, I was actually a little disappointed that this wasn't how the story ended. 🙁
This is pretty awesome, but I'm so-so on the subject. I mean, cameras are a cheap (cheap as in morally, not monetarily) way to get some cash for the government, but then again, you are breaking the law when you speed...but then again, everyone speeds, and everyone knows it. Honestly, who sticks to the speed limit?
How can buying their domain be considered a victory? It sounds like they weren't making use of it anyway, and they are already working on a new site. I would hardly call this justice. Not having to pay the ticket or somehow having the city compensate him in some other way would have been much better.
[citation][nom]speedinglawsftl[/nom]How can buying their domain be considered a victory? It sounds like they weren't making use of it anyway, and they are already working on a new site. I would hardly call this justice. Not having to pay the ticket or somehow having the city compensate him in some other way would have been much better.[/citation]
In this day and age, it's pretty much a given that most businesses and government agencies need a web presence. So even though it hadn't been updated in ages, they still know it needs to be there even if all it says is, "Having an emergency? Call 911!" Hopeful they won't be able to use anti cyber-squatting laws to basically seize the domain from him.
It's really funny how Americans think the US is the best at everything but they still don't have roads with unlimited speeds. I live in Texas and I wish they'd enforce slow people driving in the fast lane... except that here there is no fast lane when the speed limit is
[citation][nom]captainnemojr[/nom]I'm glad Texas banned speed cameras. If only the red light cameras would get banned as well :-\[/citation]
Speed and red light running kills. Do the crime, pay the fine.
Texas banned speed cameras ? Good !!! I can live w\ red light cameras... but speed camera's are just more intrusive. If you put up speed cameras, you might as well just put GPS tracking in every car and track their speeds at all times.
owned. I'd very highly doubt there's anything legally they can do either to get the domain back. Though there was also that case of the guy that had like 8 years before the movie was released and was ordered to give it to Fox which IMHO is bullshit. I think this may happen here even if legally they don't have a leg to stand on
Pfft, that is "child's play". If this man were really worth his salt, then he would hack the cameras and stream pornography to the cameras 24/7.
Speed limits kill in certain conditions. The Speed Limit was mainly imposed because of fuel economy, not because of safety. There is a serious problem with lack of attention while driving as a result of imposed speed limits on long and straight highways that encompass most of the country.

For instance in California, most of the interstates would be safer if the speed limits were removed in the first 2 lanes.
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