Me and my girlfriend both have iPhone 6 on straight talk. Hers is on att. Mine is on Verizon towers. Bout a week ago both star


Apr 6, 2015
Your question cut off so it's not clear what your actual problem was with the phone other than the fact that both you and your girlfriend are on the same carrier (Straight Talk) with the same phone but getting service from different networks.

Straight Talk is different from other prepaid carriers in that they aren't just locked into one network. Straight Talk buys minutes from all the carriers. This does not mean, however, that if you buy a Straight Talk phone it can make use all the available networks/carriers in your area. Depending on what phone you buy, it will be "keyed" to a particular carrier/network.

In my case, I recently inquired what phone to buy in order to ensure I have Verizon service. The Straight Talk rep I spoke to could not say which phone models work on which networks, specifically, but I was told that for iPhones the ICCID # needs to include a certain sequence (for the SIM) that designates the use of the Verizon network. Rather than shop for a Straight Talk phone online — where it is impossible to predict what phone will run on what network — the customer service agent said to look on the back of the box for two rows of numbers. If it's Verizon, the numbers "89148" will appear on the top row. Personally, I am skeptical that this information will be displayed on the back of the box (using the iPhone SE as an example). I suspect that it won't be until you purchase a Straight Talk phone and check the physical SIM card that it will be possible to confirm. Unless you are activating a phone with Straight Talk that you already know to work in your area, the issue with Straight Talk phone purchases is that you don't know what phone will be keyed to what network. So my advice to anyone who depends on a particular network/carrier for coverage is to research the issue before buying ANY Straight Talk phone.
Feb 12, 2018

Feb 12, 2018
I work at Walmart and confirm on Straight Talk phones the IMEI and the the ICCID (SIM card #) are on the box.. But at the bottom not the back, which is where the UPC is.