Microlab wiring issue

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Doesn't matter whether i use aux or cd, the result is exactly the same, through remote i can only cycle between aux and cd. Through pc its connected with just 1 input, only works in 1 of the 5 audio inputs. Could it just be a simple driver necessity?
Im stumped aswell, only option from here is just a software issue, im fiddling around with realtek hd audio manager settings, when i send a sound to left or right speaker, the sub makes sound, but when i send a signal to sub only, then nothing happens.
Ill try that in a moment, meanwhile i discovered this:


L and R lights are lit, not really sure what that means, maybe saying that they are not connected ? Or my original theory is correct that it's just connected wrong, i have some little things left in the box, i have no idea what they are, they look like metal pins
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