Microsoft Source Claims Xbox 720 Arriving in 2013

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Nov 23, 2008
[citation][nom]ta152h[/nom]Windows 8 as the basis for a gaming console? That's like putting a v10 engine in a car with the aerodynamics of a brick.[/citation]
NO NO NO! The new XBOX will not be running Windows8 Desktop OS. They have an ARM and x86 version. As you can see - even the current xbox has a metro style interface without running Windows8. The xbox doesn't need and shouldn't have a full blown OS. But running METRO doesn't require running win32.api.

[citation] They'll have big problems keeping up with the Wii U. It's probably the end for Microsoft's gaming division. Sony is probably laughing, and popping the champagne after reading they'll be competing against the Microsoft bloat and inefficiency of Windows.[/citation]
Thw WiiU has more GPU power over the PS3/360... its been 6 years after all. Its most likely on par with the HD4670 which is twice as powerful over the ATI X1900/GF 7800 if the current 360/PS3 hardware. Thus keeping their costs down... since they are including a dumb-tablet controller (no CPU). I see the WiiU going for $250.

When the PS4 and xbox3/720/Next comes out in 2013 - they'll be selling for about $500 and should have the GPU power of an ATI 7800 series (since it'll be 1.5+ years old when those consoles ship) and have a planned 7~8 year life span. MS should include blu-ray, but we'll see.

I'm betting the 2020 Consoles will NOT have blu-ray or any other disc drive. Simply a ROM card that plugs into the console (like a flash drive). No big 5" drive taking up space and causing heat issues, motor or ejection failure or wear and tear.


Dec 17, 2011

1.) Agreed
2.) Already does that - Xbox 360 S is 1080p and includes a port under VGA port
3.) Already has its - Xbox 360 S is N-Wireless - No Adapter needed
4.) Already has it - Xbox 360 S has a small hatch on the side that open to change HDD
5.) Agreed
6.) Agreed

There is a reason the PS3 is no longer backwards compatible, business wise the demand isn't high enough due to people already owning older consoles that play those games and secondly, it will cost time and money that could be spent to enhance other aspects of the console, including its design and size.

Dont get me wrong backwards compatibility would be awesome. But hey they already got 3/6 on your demands!



May 18, 2011
Backwards compatibility is Important, how the hell u gonna play ur old games when ur old console gets too old and broken? I got a whole batch of PSX games now, but all of them I have to force myself play on my PC on an emulator because my PSX just retired. Well this solve my problems.

Since PS3 doesnt come with an emulator, it would be SUCK to own a PS4 that cant play ur PS3 games when ur PS3 is broken!


Jul 10, 2011
The '360' name was supposedly in reference to the console being revolutionary (360 degrees get it?!) but to name it a '720' would be a very bad idea as it you can't realistically claim the next a new model as being revolutionary to the last model only 'evolutionary'.

That all being said, have no mistake that there is an army of marketting strategists and related thinkers working right now to come up with a swanky new name but I expect that rather than a smart name that really means nothing to most people they will end up calling it the '360 x2' or similar.


Nov 11, 2006
It will be interesting if Windows 8 will be able to play Xbox 360 games. I would be quite tempted to upgrade Windows 7 if it does, or at least get it for my laptop

Brandon S

Sep 29, 2011
[citation][nom]Shin-san[/nom]It will be interesting if Windows 8 will be able to play Xbox 360 games. I would be quite tempted to upgrade Windows 7 if it does, or at least get it for my laptop[/citation]

I'm sure it wont. If it did there would be no reason to buy an xbox. Its just similar software.


LOL I get a kick out of these "my PC will crush XYZ console.."

The reason your PC won't crush anything but your wallet and maybe a few word documents, is that the developers and publishers know where the money is and it isn't in PC game development unless it's an MMO. Consoles are by far more profitable than PC as a gaming platform, and until Microsoft incorporates an XBOX emulator within windows,(not impossible, but unlikely) you are going to be playing a third as many games as are available on consoles and set top devices. Sure, you may not be interested in 75% of that content, as it will likely be casual, but developers will be cashing in on the mainstream, not a handful of diehard PC gaming devotees.

Expect a console that is on par with mid to upper class gaming rigs for that release year and I think you will have some idea what we are talking about here. Microsoft still want to move software on as many platforms as possible, and I doubt they want to eliminate any revenue streams by killing PC off entirely or making their bread and butter seem irrelevant (This is really more about Office than anything). Although, if I were the exec in charge of making those kinds of decisions, and I had my way, that's exactly what I would probably do. I would kill PC's altogether and just have the proprietary consumer devices. Not because I personally believe that is the right thing to do, it isn't. But because if I were in the technology business I would probably want to do what Sony has been desperately trying to do for years, and what Apple has managed to do pretty effectively... Capture and imprison my customers within an simple proprietary platform, and spoon feed them whatever I like over my closed network.


with the 7000 series graphic cards coming this year.........even new consoles will be dated.


Why would Microsoft make a new xbox? They should just stick with the one they have.
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