

Nov 24, 2002
Has anyone had any experience with Mini-CDR players or burning them?? I have just bought the Freecom Beatman II (don't know if it available in the USA, I am in the UK) and I have seen some complaints about the CDs being unreliable - any opinions on this??

Thanks in advance,
Allan Lewis.
I bought a Napa mini-cdr player and record and playback mp3's fine. No problems what so ever with playback. Of course if the batteries would last longer than 3 hours it might be worth the money.

<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."
was thinking about getting the beatman 2...
is it ok?

mini cdrs r way-cool! small and just the right amount of space. cheap too.

its the player thats hard to choose.
You can pick up the Compaq version of the Napa mini-cdr player off of ebay for about 60bucks. Although I would recommend buying a seperate battery charger, and a couple sets of Nimh batteries, as battery life is around 3 hours.

Haven't read anything about the Beatman 2.

<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."