mirroring directv reciever


Jul 11, 2015
Coax is run throughout the house and I am trying to mirror or piggy back tvs together with HD signal. There are fire breaks throughout every wall so fishing long component, hdmi, or even cat5 is not an option without some major drywall repair.

So, can I convert hdmi or component to coax wiring that is in the wall and then back to component or HDMI in a different room so that 2 tvs can be controlled by one Directv reciever. Of course using a RF remote control.

Thank you
We have done this to our customer who has only 1 HD receiver and doesn't want to pay more for mini Genie.

1x HR-44 Receiver in distribution panel box go to the coax spliter and go through every room in the house from each room there is converter box (coax to hdmi) to TV (all in HD 1920x1080)

Equipment cost:
$80 for each room.
$150 for the one hook up to HR-44 . This is the most important part because we have test with several equipment it does not work since the HDMI output signal, from Directv box, has Digital Rights Management (DRM) protocols but we have solution for it.

All you need is to buy extra RF remote control for every room since RF remote control range really far and indirectional.

Any question send me an email at...
We have done this to our customer who has only 1 HD receiver and doesn't want to pay more for mini Genie.

1x HR-44 Receiver in distribution panel box go to the coax spliter and go through every room in the house from each room there is converter box (coax to hdmi) to TV (all in HD 1920x1080)

Equipment cost:
$80 for each room.
$150 for the one hook up to HR-44 . This is the most important part because we have test with several equipment it does not work since the HDMI output signal, from Directv box, has Digital Rights Management (DRM) protocols but we have solution for it.

All you need is to buy extra RF remote control for every room since RF remote control range really far and indirectional.

Any question send me an email at mircrosupply90@yahoo.com
