Kangaroon Nov 3, 2023 1 0 10 Nov 3, 2023 #1 My mitsubishi is stuck on Blu-Ray. Just got the tv from a friend. Don't have original remote; using a ONN 4 device universal remote. How can I get it to TV?
My mitsubishi is stuck on Blu-Ray. Just got the tv from a friend. Don't have original remote; using a ONN 4 device universal remote. How can I get it to TV?
COLGeek Cybernaut Moderator Apr 6, 2009 6,460 269 38,490 Nov 3, 2023 #2 Have you tried resetting the TV? Page 29 of manual. https://www.purelandsupply.com/Images/OwnersManuals/Mitsubishi/WD73640 73C11 73CA1.pdf Upvote 0 Downvote
Have you tried resetting the TV? Page 29 of manual. https://www.purelandsupply.com/Images/OwnersManuals/Mitsubishi/WD73640 73C11 73CA1.pdf