Mixer insert to balanced feedback destroyer



Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

We have a Behringer feedback destoyer and it has 1/4" jacks for input
and output of each channel. The manual advises using the mixer
"insert" to put it into the path of a mixer channel or subgroup. The
Beringer says it has balanced inputs and outputs (e.g. 2 signal wires
in each jack).

How can you connect a mixer's "insert" to separate balanced ins and
outs of a processor like this? The board's insert jack is 3 wires
(send, return, and shield). How can this be connected to the processor
which expects balanced input (2 signal wires) and balanced ouptut (2
signal wires). There does not seem to be enough wires in the mixer's
insert jack to support this.
Sorry for the novice question...! Thanks for any advice...

Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

mcmillan@engineous.com wrote:

> We have a Behringer feedback destoyer and it has 1/4" jacks for input
> and output of each channel. The manual advises using the mixer
> "insert" to put it into the path of a mixer channel or subgroup. The
> Beringer says it has balanced inputs and outputs (e.g. 2 signal wires
> in each jack).
> How can you connect a mixer's "insert" to separate balanced ins and
> outs of a processor like this? The board's insert jack is 3 wires
> (send, return, and shield). How can this be connected to the processor
> which expects balanced input (2 signal wires) and balanced ouptut (2
> signal wires). There does not seem to be enough wires in the mixer's
> insert jack to support this.
> Sorry for the novice question...! Thanks for any advice...
> -Mark

You need a Y cable with a TRS (3-conductor) 1/4" plug on one end, that
splits out to two TS (2-conductor) 1/4" plugs on the other; commonly known
as an "Insert cable".

Hosa makes some cheap ones that you can get wherever you bought your FBD.
Markertek will make you up some really nice ones with Mogami cable & Canare
jacks (or whatever you want). Or, if you're handy with a soldering iron,
you can make 'em yourself.
Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

In article <1102427315.896842.247050@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
<mcmillan@engineous.com> wrote:
>We have a Behringer feedback destoyer and it has 1/4" jacks for input
>and output of each channel. The manual advises using the mixer
>"insert" to put it into the path of a mixer channel or subgroup. The
>Beringer says it has balanced inputs and outputs (e.g. 2 signal wires
>in each jack).
>How can you connect a mixer's "insert" to separate balanced ins and
>outs of a processor like this? The board's insert jack is 3 wires
>(send, return, and shield). How can this be connected to the processor
>which expects balanced input (2 signal wires) and balanced ouptut (2
>signal wires). There does not seem to be enough wires in the mixer's
>insert jack to support this.
>Sorry for the novice question...! Thanks for any advice...

With an insert cable. You can plug an unbalanced line into those TRS
jacks without any problem... one leg of the balanced line is used and
the other is tied to ground. You lose the benefits of balancing, of
course, but who cares?

You can buy an insert cable which splits a TRS jack out to two TS jacks
at your local MI store, or make one.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

>We have a Behringer feedback destoyer and it has 1/4" jacks for input
>and output of each channel. The manual advises using the mixer
>"insert" to put it into the path of a mixer channel or subgroup. The
>Beringer says it has balanced inputs and outputs (e.g. 2 signal wires
>in each jack).
>How can you connect a mixer's "insert" to separate balanced ins and
>outs of a processor like this? The board's insert jack is 3 wires
>(send, return, and shield). How can this be connected to the processor
>which expects balanced input (2 signal wires) and balanced ouptut (2
>signal wires). There does not seem to be enough wires in the mixer's
>insert jack to support this.
>Sorry for the novice question...! Thanks for any advice...
Buy or make up a "Y" cable with a send, return shield on one end and a phone
plug on each of the other ends(one is send, shield - the other is return,
shield). The Feedback Destroyer won't care about the unbalanced lines.

Try to keep the cable as short as possible (less than 15').


-"sounded good to me"-
Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

On 7 Dec 2004 10:57:13 -0500, kludge@panix.com (Scott Dorsey) wrote:

>In article <1102427315.896842.247050@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
> <mcmillan@engineous.com> wrote:
>>We have a Behringer feedback destoyer and it has 1/4" jacks for input
>>and output of each channel. The manual advises using the mixer
>>"insert" to put it into the path of a mixer channel or subgroup. The
>>Beringer says it has balanced inputs and outputs (e.g. 2 signal wires
>>in each jack).
>>How can you connect a mixer's "insert" to separate balanced ins and
>>outs of a processor like this? The board's insert jack is 3 wires
>>(send, return, and shield). How can this be connected to the processor
>>which expects balanced input (2 signal wires) and balanced ouptut (2
>>signal wires). There does not seem to be enough wires in the mixer's
>>insert jack to support this.
>>Sorry for the novice question...! Thanks for any advice...
>With an insert cable. You can plug an unbalanced line into those TRS
>jacks without any problem... one leg of the balanced line is used and
>the other is tied to ground. You lose the benefits of balancing, of
>course, but who cares?
>You can buy an insert cable which splits a TRS jack out to two TS jacks
>at your local MI store, or make one.

To expand a little on what Scott said,


