Mod for PowerDirector8


Jul 13, 2011
Anyone know of a mod to enable additional ATI models for hardware acceleration in PowerDirector8? My system has all the capabilites CyberLink says it needs to have otherwise. PD8 just isn't picking it up.

Thanks in advance.
hmm ... Power director 8, i like it, just install aticatalys your effect motion will support it and rendering will very very fast and flash use Rich video

GPU acceleration check box :

Would that it were that easy.

I have OpenGL working.
I have AVIVO working.
I have ATI Control Center 11.6 working with driver version 8.861.
I have Use ATI Stream turned on in Preferences.

Still I get gray boxes for Enable Hardware Encoding in Preferences and for Fast Video Rendering for every file type in the Produce screen. According to CySupport FAQ 7298 it should be working. I've spent the last several hours trying to get acceleration! Editing playback is unusable.

I'm using a Radeon HD5450 on WinXP SP3 with 2GB RAM and a Pentium D 3 Ghz.


If you don't have hi-end pc very hard use power director9 , I have tree ver 7,8,9. And register in cyberlink website , PDR9 have add feature with 2source video and more pip, motion still same PDR8.

According to a support faq it is also for mpeg2. I could show you the same grey boxes for .264 though.

That doesn't help me with the grey box for Enable Hardware Encoding in Preferences either.

A mod anyone? -- A mod?

This is about PD8.

I've already done all that. With two versions of the driver.
Avivo is working. I tested it.
Driver is working. I tested it.

Can you hear me asking for a mod, NOT troubleshooting?

Avivo now supports XP under Catalyst 11. (Then it did not. Old news.) I have Avivo working, as I've said.

AMD APP also works through OpenCL. I have OpenCL working, as I've said.

"AMD has released the official Catalyst 11.3 graphics driver for the HD 2000 series and above. The changes in this WHQL certified driver include support for APP OpenCL enabled by default, as well as a range of bug fixes."

Can *anyone* hear me asking for a mod? Surely at least tens of thousands of PD8 users could use it.

My screen shot shows a project loaded to going for compile, yet boxes are still greyed out.

It is not the same for PD8.