ModMic 5 Making Random Noises(video)


Sep 29, 2017
I purchased a ModMic5 a while back and it started to make these randomly electronic noises when I would use the magnet or even hold the microphone in the air. These noises get louder and softer randomly based on the angle and orientation i hold the mic.

Ive tried switching outlets for my computer.

I have not tried a different computer all together because i cannot find another computer/phone that have a microphone jack and not the sound and microphone all in one.

If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
use the captions for info of what im doing
[video=""]Video of noises[/video]

I figured out that it was my router that was about 5 feet from where I was sitting. Its kinda weird that I could not hear the noises but my microphone was picking them up.

thank you sir i did not realize that my router was too stronk and some how interfered with a wired mouse this was driving me insane i have this router