move apps to sd card lg/70


Aug 26, 2015
I need help in transferring apps to my sd card. Not able to download anything because not enough storage, but yet have a 16gb sd card with nothing on it. There is not an option available for moving an app in settings/apps


Hello mate!

I just answer the same question and i will give you a copy of it:

"Hello buddy!
1) Save your apps/music and all needed information (on computer)
2) Get off the apps you dont use (the stock apps like google drive and etc.) Just uninstall and disable them.
3) Download Clean Master from google play store! This is insane good for problems like yours. The app will clean your phone and you will be rdy to update your apps right.

Not every apps can be moved on SD cards ( like Facebook...) and they take out your phone internal storage.

You can't make your phone to download apps direct to your SD card. You must download them into internal storage and then tranfer from appmanager to SD card. Remeber the above ( Not every apps can be moved on SD card ).

p.s. Just save your information and download Clean Master :) Run it and you will be happy enough.
Good Luck!"

I am sure that will help you alot! :)