Moving data to a new microsd card on Android smartphone

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Jul 22, 2012
Hi I am newbie, I just got a new larger disk space of micro sd card class 6. I need to move all my current micro sd card data into this new card. I google it on the web it seems like very simple by just connecting the existing sd card to a computer select all the folders and copy it over.Then plug in the new micro sd card into my Android smartphone & connect into my computer again.Copy all folders back to the new micro sd. Is that so and retaining all my apps and data?
....if you drag and drop *everything* it will carry over all of the files including apps and backups.

phone + old sdcard...plug into the pc with the usb cable
enable diskmode/usb mode
create a folder on your desktop and drag everything into this folder. hidden files too.
disconnect the phone.
remove the old sd card
put the new sd card in the phone and plug it back in to the usb cable
enable disk mode/usb mode again.
check that the new sdcard is formatted
drag all of the data in the folder to the new sd card.

if you have app problems.. just uninstall and reinstall. its not worth worrying about something that will take you 2 minutes to fix.
I have similar issue. I wanted to move from a 4GB Class 4 MSD card (Samsung card from my Exhibit II phone) to a 32GB Class 10 card (ADATA brand bought on ebay).

Round 1:

A) I inserted the 4GB card into my ASUS Android tablet, then created a temp folder and PASTED the entire card to it.

B) I swapped the new 32GB card into the tablet (it created a few android files) then pasted the entire temp folder to the new card ( also overwriting any existing android basic files). This process took 20 minutes.

* Some of the photos and videos on the 32GB card were not readable or corrupted, although the copies in my temp directory on the tablet were fine.

Round 2:

I formatted the 32GB card in my Exhibit II phone (took almost no time, so not sure what it really did).

I repeated (B) above, but got similar results.

QUESTION: Is my procedure bad or is the new card bad or is it something else? I don't have a USB card reader to use in my Windows machines (yet). Had to use the Android.
Here is what worked when I got my son a larger (from 2GB to 32GB microSDHC) memory card for his Android (Samsung Galaxy TXT).
Switched off then phone and took the existing 2GB microSD card out, and mounted it using an SD-adapter into my Windows PC, which added it as drive G: in the system.
Opened a command prompt, and ran following commands:
cd /
md sd-card
cd sd-card
xcopy G:\*.* /S /E /V

Ejected the old microSD, and mounted the new one in the SD adapter, again, as drive G:, and re-opened a new command prompt window, and ran:
cd /
cd sd-card
xcopy *.* G:\ /S /E /V

Ejected the microSD from the computer, and inserted it in the phone, switched on the phone, and all his apps, pictures, movies, TXT messages that where stored on the old microSD worked right away. (Well, some off the apps, started updating themselves, as they were not able to do so on the old-card, as it had ran out completely out of space). But all went flawless.


Thank you Kris, looks like it worked for Android 4.0.4 when migrating from Transcend 4GB micro SDHC, C6 to Samsung 16GB micro SDHC, C10.
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