mp3 hds

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Dec 31, 2007
as cool as the new guide to putting in a bigger hd on the nomad is...if you need more than 6 gigs for your mp3's you should also seek therapy.
My computer is a slow ass intel! i dream of 6gig HD's I own a 120M... its in RAID configuration, all i need now is a 2nd hard drive... so its must be fast.

Did I mention... It hurts when I pee!

I would have agreed with you a while ago. When my family got a 13gb hd and high speed cable, things changed. Today I find myself starring at my screen looking at 3gb of songs, thats just on my sisters computers. With mine we are talking 5gb total. With the increase of people with high speed internet, and larger drive space, you'll notice a jump in drive sizes for these devices. Why hold 20 songs when you can hold 1000?

Timothy Stankus
One of the First AMD Athlon Users =)
Well it depends on how much you likle music 🙂
I have 80 GBs of Mp3s and I really would like to have them with me .. 6Gbs is not enough if you don't have access to your computer everyday or when you are away from home. So, my question is: Why not upgrade the hard drive? I found the article very interesting (once more Tom proved his dedication in writing good articles). Why not make the best out of any product? I had a Promise Ultra66 controller and reading Tom's article I converted it succesfully to a Fasttrack66 Controller. If I bought a nomad I would be happy swap the harddrive with an 18gig one 😉

2xIBMGXP 45GB HotRod100 Raid0
I would need a bigger hard drive. After I converts all my cd to mp3's I'll have like 50-60 gigs. Now I convert them at 192 and does anyone know if that mp3 jukebox can play them at 192?
Answer: yes.

Read the specs sheet under Battery Life.. it can live with tracks with > 128kbps encoding, but the batteries will last for shorter time (playback time will be reduced), logically because the processor needs to work more..

Hehe 4 hours, that's without pressing the buttons. Well 4 hours should be enough.. or just bring the supplied extra batteries. Hey, how about a car adapter for use in, well, a car?
Having how many mp3s and how much space those things take is sure influenced by one's interest in music. However I see many people with gigs and gigs of mp3s simply have gigs and gigs of rubbish, and they keep it so that they could say, "oh! i have 1000 mp3s." even they themselves don't like their songs, but they still keep it. With 6 gigs of space, and an average of 5mbs a song, you can put 1223 mp3s in there, I'm sure many people like no more than that number of mp3s, right? Maybe we should start thinking that way and clean up our mp3 archive.

BTW I have only 400 mp3s, and >90% of them are my favorites.

Morgan 1.6Ghz + 256DDR SDRAM = Dream on
However dreams are approacable :wink:
hehe, I have 1401 MP3s being 77 hours 56 minutes 37 seconds and 5112mb. There are only a few that aren't by someone I don't like. I have only to finish off my CDs and my sister's CDs.
i agree w/ machow. i've only got around a gig but i listen to them all. some of my friends have many times as many mp3's as i do but only listen to a handful of them.
I'm with machow on this one too. But if they're
constantly sharing their archive online then I
suppose it's ok...I might like one their songs
that they don't like, hehe.
Hey netsharc, if 4 hours of play off of the batteries isn't enough then why not just duct-tape some D cells to the bottom of the player and wire them in to replace the regular batteries. :) I wonder what kind of a play time that would have...
2 disadvantages:
1. Bulky
2. Spoils the design.

However, can be resolved: put the cells in your pocket and wire it to the unit.

Smart guys are not smart; they only see things in different perspective.
1st <b>ENTHUSIAST</b>!
Or go one step further! Make a combination battery pack/AC adapter like what was sold for the old Game Boys. Then you yould just yank out the AC cable but leave the battery pack plugged in and strap it to your belt or stick it in a pocket.

For that matter ... I bet the old Game Boy battery pack like that could itself be easily modified to serve that very purpose.

- Anything can be fixed with duct tape, a swiss army knife, and WD-40. :)
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