MP3 skips to last few parts of audiobook, then comes back up to where it should've been?


Feb 11, 2015
The audiobook is split up to 44 parts, it goes 1-9 without a problem, and after 9th it skips to 41st and goes over to 44th, then comes back up to 10th and then it goes fine all the way to 40th.
I thought that maybe the part numbers are messed up in the "metadata" (don't know how exactly is it called, sorry), but they go in correct order.

Same with another book, it goes 1-2-41-47-3-35-36-49-40-48-4-38-31-32-45 etc etc, like what the hell? I've made sure that all the other titles/artists etc are the same.

EDIT: The player is Transcend MP330
Yeah, this is a common issue with numbered files.
Not sure if it's something do do with Fat32, but essentially the issue comes from having files with the same name and numbered extensions that VARY in digit length.
Ie: 1, 10, 100.
It usually figures it out if you change it to 001, 010, 100.

Thanks, I'll check it out, before I get into renaming 50+ files, by that you mean that I should leave the same numbers, but so they're 3 digits, right? (so 001-044)

Oh, I already have it like that, in fact I tried doing it the other way as well in hopes that it might help, it didn't :fou:.

That's a good idea, I'll definitely try it, what confuses me is that some books have well over 20 parts (one for example has 42, another one has 99) and they're in perfect order.

Didn't work, still just all over the place.