Msi CR610 LCD problem


Sep 12, 2012
Hy there folks

I have a problem with my m8's laptop.


The problem is, that after i replaced the broken LCD screen, the new 1 shows horizontal stripes flickering from time to time on the middle of the new screen.

The main problem was that i thought that the screen which i bought was false or damaged ...

Anyways, i've returned that screen and bought new one ... and the same problem occurs.

In BIOS or in POST the screen works fine, but as i see the Windows 7 black screen with logo i see the small stripes flicker on logo, and when it comes to deskop there are 3-4 white lines flickering horizontali from left to right side ...

Now, since i've replace 2 screens i think this might be a MOBO or GPU problem, or aswell a cable between mobo and LCD ...

The problem is acceptable but still if it can be fixed, why not to try ...

What do you suggest i should try and how's the best and the fastest way to see which part is failing ...


Hi :)

Seen it before....(see my sig)

You have the WRONG screen..... look on back of original screen and you will see a WHITE STICKER ....with the part number on it...the NEW screen must have the EXACT same number on it....NOT one number or letter matter what the seller says...

All the best Brett :)