Solved! Msi desktop won't get off aptio screen


Apr 14, 2017
My Msi AG2712A computer recently froze, so I decided to manually power it off. However, after powering it back on, it seems like I can't get past the aptio setup. I would really appreciate any help I can get. Thank you!
Try disabling "Secure Boot" to see if it allows you to make the changes...

To disable "Secure Boot"...

1. Make sure disabling it is actually necessary. If installing older software, or untrusted software, then you may need to disable it. However, if you are installing newer versions of Windows, you should not need to disable it.

2. Open BIOS.

3. Locate the Secure Boot setting, and if possible, set it to "Disabled". This can be found in either the "Security" tab, the "Boot" tab, or the "Authentication" tab.

4. Save your changes and exit.

5. The computer should reboot.

6. Now you can install the graphics card, hardware, or operating system that’s not compatible with Secure Boot.

7. If this isn't working for you, in some cases...
Try the following and see if it resolves the problem.

1. In the Aptio Setup Utility, select the "boot" menu and then select "Launch CSM" and change it to "enable".

2. Next select the "Security" menu and then select "secure Boot Control" and change to "disable".

3. Now select "Save & Exit" and press "yes".

4. Once you have done this, hold down the "power" button until the laptop turns off completely.

5. Now you want to power it back on and continually press the "F9" button for about ten seconds or until you are taken to the "Windows Recovery Menu".

6. In here select "Advanced Start Up" and then, once the recovery menu appears, select "Advance Options".

7. Choose "System Restore" and select a date prior to when the problem started.

The computer should now go through the restore process and then start normally for you.

For some reason there is no launch csm menu or the secure boot control :'(
I see a
Windows 8 logo configuration
Win 8 configuration
Fixed boot order priorities
Boot option #1
Boot option #2
Boot option #3
Boot option #4
Boot option #5
Boot option #6
Boot option #7

UEFI NETWORK Drive BBS Priorities
Try disabling "Secure Boot" to see if it allows you to make the changes...

To disable "Secure Boot"...

1. Make sure disabling it is actually necessary. If installing older software, or untrusted software, then you may need to disable it. However, if you are installing newer versions of Windows, you should not need to disable it.

2. Open BIOS.

3. Locate the Secure Boot setting, and if possible, set it to "Disabled". This can be found in either the "Security" tab, the "Boot" tab, or the "Authentication" tab.

4. Save your changes and exit.

5. The computer should reboot.

6. Now you can install the graphics card, hardware, or operating system that’s not compatible with Secure Boot.

7. If this isn't working for you, in some cases, you may need to change other settings in the firmware, such as enabling a Compatibility Support Module (CSM) to support legacy BIOS operating systems. To use a CSM, you may also need to reformat the hard drive using the Master Boot Record (MBR) format, and then reinstall Windows.

NOTE: If you’re using Windows 8.1, you may see a watermark on the desktop alerting you that Secure Boot is not configured correctly. Get this update to remove the Secure Boot desktop watermark.

To re-enable "Secure Boot"...

1. Uninstall any hardware, OS, etc., that isn't compatible with Secure Boot.

2. Open BIOS.

3. Locate the Secure Boot setting, and if possible, set it to "Enabled". This can be found in either the "Security" tab, the "Boot" tab, or the "Authentication" tab.

4. On computer computers you will need to select "Custom", and then load the Secure Boot keys that are built into the computer.

5. If the computer does not allow you to enable "Secure Boot", try resetting the BIOS back to the factory settings.

6. Save your changes and exit.

7. The computer should reboot.

8. If the computer does not reboot after enabling "Secure Boot", go back into the BIOS menus, disable "Secure Boot", and try rebooting the computer again.

9. In some cases, you may need to refresh or reset your computer to its "original state" before you can turn on "Secure Boot".


I can't seem to find the Secure Boot setting... There doesn't seem to be an authentication tab, and the security tab basically only has TPM support.