Msi gtx 1070 low usage?

jack arnold

Jan 17, 2015
hey guys, whenever i am playing games with my new msi gtx 1070, i get pretty bad frames compared to the benchmarks. i get about 70 fps in insurgency when i should be getting 150+ i checked my gpu usage and it never went above 30%, so i think that is the problem, but i dont know how to fix it! btw it's not a bottleneck from the cpu, i have the i5-4690k. i am also using the latest drivers.

whats your system specs?

Few things to check;

Vsync. With it on in Win or game can reduce gpu load as it restricts fps output to the monitor refresh rate. Trying adaptive/fast sync may help.

Power management in Nvidia CP set to prefer maximum performance

If running Win10, disable Xbox game dvr

Running the gpu in pcie slot closest to cpu

Whats the condition of your operating system, is it from a clean install or upgrade?

i5, 16 gb ram, ssd and hdd. i just set the power mode to max perfomance and no change. im on windows 8.1 and i havent updated it since i built my pc.