MSI X600X slim problem


Mar 8, 2012
Hi everyone,

I have a huge problem with my MSI notebook. Yesterday afternoon It freezed during a game, after the reboot everything was ok but 3 minutes later the hard drive started to work on 100%, I couldn't do anything and 10 minutes later freezed again. I checked the meory modules, the processor, the hard drives and everything ok. According to the Everest the hdd is OK, no bad sectors. I checked the win7 resource monitor, and I didn't find any working programs. Please somebody help me because I don't have any more ideas to solving the problem. Sorry my bad English, pls. help.
Open a command prompt with elevated privaleges (Start, type CMD into search field, then right click on CMD in the list and Run As Administrator).

In the black screen that comes up, type without quotes "chkdsk /f" and press Enter. It will run and inform you you need to restart to give Windows access to the drive. Reboot and let it do it's thing, might take 15-20 minutes (possibly longer).

Chkdsk is a utility from Windows thats checks the integrity and sectors of the drive. the /f is layman's terms means do it thoroughly. After it's done, it will tell you if there are bad sectors, fix any links, etc etc.