Think about it, before you could spend 50-60 bucks on game, play it for 20-50hrs given the title, on its storyline, then play in some player alone Free-For-All, Skirmish, Capture the Flag, Character Stat Gainer Lvl, and the etc. Then you could choice to play online with many titles, in a none MMO type environment. AT the charge of just buying the game. That was it. What was there to complain about? Mods, Expansions, and almost playing a whole total completely different game after awhile.
Games sales would dwindle if they were just MMO based, cause everything would be going to pay for the constant run time of one game title. Without any breaches or expansions into, but new content from whats being downloaded. An MMO in which you can play all the time would suit best any body.
Scrached Discs, Registering to play, DRMs, friend took a copy of my game cause of whatever reason. You moved and lost the whole collection you had while driving around pike 90. Little brother or sister throught Call of Duty meant next chew toy. To even backup anything you had meant you was pirate by the time it got around to the bay. Let alone being a wise consumer.
Most companies dont even give replacements at a cheap cost cause of it anymore if at all. So why would sale decline? Why cant people keep their stuff in order to not need such things?
Not saying there isnt a need for an MMO, its just alot of it is founded by the want and need of more. Which many standalone can do, if you got the computer to do it. Which we all had at one time. It just seemed to take off on its own and leave us with some fragement of it. Theres a gap in the wall and no one knows why.
Im still using DVDs,CDs but yet Blu-ray is the next thing in digital replacements. SDDs? Before Microproceessed HDDs?
If the sale decline in the industry are for any reason, it the one we are going to know the least if not last. So this decline should be the next big rebound in industry releases.
: ) D