Solution bignastyid Aug 28, 2017 You need to contact facebook, only they can help you with a facebook account problem.
bignastyid Splendid Moderator Jun 19, 2011 3,150 61 26,840 Aug 28, 2017 Solution #2 You need to contact facebook, only they can help you with a facebook account problem. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
mcnumpty23 Distinguished Jul 15, 2011 579 0 19,210 Aug 28, 2017 #3 and normally theres a way to get back in legitimately like by answering your security questions or something else like having a code sent to your phone etc or through the friends you picked in settings in case you get locked out Upvote 0 Downvote
and normally theres a way to get back in legitimately like by answering your security questions or something else like having a code sent to your phone etc or through the friends you picked in settings in case you get locked out