My computer freezes when i plugin a Usb device

Biki Maharjan

Nov 10, 2014
When ever i plug a usb into the usb port my computer freezes and u have to restart it . But in case of Usb mouse it show the message as "the device has malfunctioned" . . I am Using Intel(R) AWRDACPI motherboard and Windows Xp professional 5.1.Itried updating the drivers, but didnt work. What should I do?
Thanks in advancce

I had this same message a while back , i had a BAD (shorted )usb port ..My son smacked his leg against a usb memory stick, destroying the port and memory stick and the computer instantly rebooted . caused me all sorts of head aches it took me re installing the USB drivers(the exact original oem .. Be sure YOU have these. win XP may or may not .if you dont have them it can cause issues when trying to reinstall USB .. skip this if you do not have them ). 1st uninstall all devices listed under usb in the device manager -reboot 2x then re install any drivers that XP does not automatically re install . Then i taped ( standard black electrical tape) over ports that did not work after driver re installation i actually lost all my ports on the front of my computer . i installed a pci usb expantion card to breath USB life back in to my computer.
the Intel(R) AWRDACP mother board is an older board the usb ports may just be worn from use and now just not usable any more .

i hope this helps and i know it is several possible answers
good luck and happy computing