No the wifi is not restricted but you have parental controls. the Tablet is wifi and bluetooth capable but the network available setting does not pick up any wifi networks but the status says the tablet is offline. i have a desktop and wifi connected to the house with my laptop phone another tablet and anyone else who comes to house can connect to my wifi network and all show my wifi and all others available in my area but this tablet shows nothing and you can not check the box for notifications of all wifi networks in the area because the tablet is offline. most tablets phones have you set that in your setting just like this one but the settings on this tablet is not highlighted allowing you to check that box. laptops have a button on side of the laptops to turn wifi on and off so you can connect to whatever networks are available. this is a malfunction or upgrade problems or an equipment problem inside the tablet. seller/manufacturer should have made sure after factory set up that the wifi worked since they advertise in stores website and all over internet that is tablet is wifi/bluetooth capable. it came with tablet ac adapter cover and setup manual and said otc wire included but it was not in box. It is a Contixo 7 inch La703 Kids Tablet with Kids section and Parent section. everything works great except Tablet is offline and needs to be turned online so it can connect to my wifi network and internet.