Solved! My locked folder still show the contents

Jan 2, 2019
I have created a locker folder with a batch file, and it works fine, except when i lock my folder the only thing that happens is that it changes name from "Locker" to "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}". If i klick on it it still opens and shows all the files inside, and I can open the files. This makes it a pretty useless locker since I can open everything even if my folder is in lock mode.

How do I solve this? What could I have done wrong?
All these "lock folder" apps are complete BS. Most of them just pretend to hide the folder from Windows, but the folder itself, and its files, are still there.

If you want to hide your data - put it into a encrypted ZIP file, and delete originals. Make sure you remember the password.
All these "lock folder" apps are complete BS. Most of them just pretend to hide the folder from Windows, but the folder itself, and its files, are still there.

If you want to hide your data - put it into a encrypted ZIP file, and delete originals. Make sure you remember the password.

Yes, I'm sure you're right. I went for a simple solution, as the people who I don't want reading my files have next to zero computer skills (we are talking barely able to use Word). I just wanted the folder to be out of plain sight on a shared drive. I need to work in the documents every day, so it's not just for storage. Also I am only a temporary user of my computer. I'm not admin, so I can't use Bitlocker or download any programs. I don't know what would be a good solution...
Thanks for your advise