Solved! My Westinghouse TV sound went out, I purchased soundbar and it did not work,

Oct 18, 2018
Days later we turned the TV on and the sound reappeared. Decided to turn the Soundbar on just to see if it play and sure enough it works. The sound went out again and the soundbar isn't kicking in. Is it an major internal issue within my tv? Please help!
If theee is a headphone jack on the tv, try plugging and unplugging a headphone plug into it. It's possible it's faulty and thinks something's plugged in thus stopping any other output, otherwise it sounds like an internal fault with the audio board
Try the sound bar on another TV. Try some other sound/speakers on the Westinghouse TV.

Determine if the problem stays with the TV or follows the new soundbar.

You can test the soundbar on other audio sources: e.g., a computer. Or any other source where audio connectivity can be established.

Does the TV have its' own speakers.

Use those speakers for awhile. See if they work or do not work in the same pattern.

[Side bar: We have Xfinity and have noted that there are some Xfinity commercials that go "silent". Just no sound at all while the images seem normal. Sort of believe it is some gimmick to get attention. TBD...]

Anyway, to help you, take a close look at the sound bar's connection to the TV: is the connection fully in place and solid? Have you been able to try another known working connection cable between TV and sound bar?
If theee is a headphone jack on the tv, try plugging and unplugging a headphone plug into it. It's possible it's faulty and thinks something's plugged in thus stopping any other output, otherwise it sounds like an internal fault with the audio board