Narrowing down my choice of closed back headphones for gaming and music


Jan 26, 2010
Hello, I've been looking for headphones I could use for primarily FPS gaming such as Overwatch as well as music listening. I seem to have narrowed down my options and now I'd like some help deciding on one. All of the pricing is in Canadian dollars as I am in Canada and will most likely be ordering from and there is free shipping for everything.

My options are:

* DT 770 PRO 80-Ohm Studio Headphones $232.99 and Antlion Audio ModMic 5 $99.95

* Beyerdynamic MMX 300 $373.62

* HyperX Cloud II $139.99

* Audio-Technica ATH-M50x $179.99 and V-MODA BoomPro Gaming VOiP Headset $36.99

* Audio-Technica ATH-M40x $120.99 and V-MODA BoomPro Gaming VOiP Headset $36.99

* Sennheiser HD 598 Cs $170 and V-MODA BoomPro Gaming VOiP Headset $36.99

For some context of what I'm looking for in terms of sound, I do like bass quite a bit and I enjoy high volume listening. I'd be plugging these straight into my PC. When gaming being able to hear where my enemies are is a big benefit.

Out of all of these options, which is the best fit for me? Thanks

Unfortunately those are $500 +tax here in Canada, so a bit more than I'm looking to spend. Thanks though.

I'm sorry, I was mostly promoting the brand instead of the model in this case, as you mentioned Sennheiser HD 598's as a contestant, however I have no direct experience with them.

Unfortunately those are open back. I live in a 1 bedroom condo with my girlfriend, so I would like to avoid sound leaking and hearing her watching shows and doing stuff.


All my headphones I used have been open back and I live with four different people, and the sound covers up the background with sound of the music and games. I actually like open back headphones, because I like hearing the world around me so when someone says my name I hear them. I found these, closed back version. Never tried them but they look good from the Amazon reviews. If I had money I might try them.

How loud in the sound leak though? It seems like it would be annoying for other people trying to watch or listen to something. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll do some research into them.