Solved! Need a headphone/headset setup for gaming


Mar 1, 2013
Budget - $200 AU (approx 150USD)

I don't want to keep buying a new head set every 17 months. I wan't to try having a separate headphone and mic set up, as its supposedly better bang for buck and means i only need to replace one at a time.

It's going to be used on pc, so obviously USB is preferred. I'm not to fussed on its appearance and lights (apart from on the mic to indicate if its muted) are pointless. Noise isolation would be nice as i live with a few people and next to a road, but not essential.

Has to be over ear as they will be worn for hours at a time. 7cm width and 2-3cm depth minimum earcups (thats standard size generally).

Now i don't know much about sound and what to look for, researching it left me a little overwhelmed to say the least. They are almost exclusively used for a wide range of games, as well as the odd movie, youtube/ netflix binge.

I had a Logitech G930: Almost perfect, but they don't last long, as the build quality is pathetic and Logitech software leaves alot to be desired.

Additional requirements include: Wireless 10+hour battery (not Bluetooth) or 4-5 metre+ cord. It needs volume control on the cord or headset (and mic mute if applicable).

Please help me, im way out of my depth and research is sending me in cricles, with incorrect information, lack of sources and conflicting reviews.

Apologies in advanced if i've wrong place etc..
there are many generic chinese headsets you can buy with that budget . i had a chinese headset before my current g933 artemis hotdang and it was pretty impressive , you might even find wireless.
Hmm... in my experience Headrush makes great headphones that aren't too expensive, feel comfortable, last a long time, and sound great. I got an over-ear pair for $50 CAD at a Source (by circuit city) retail location. Though I don't quite put them through the paces like you do.

As for a microphone... well, if you don't want to sound-treat your room, don't go for the condenser type of microphone - they pick up everything. As for which ones suit your voice: There's no real way to tell until you try it. But, if I am gonna recommend something: Maybe the "Samson Go Mic Compact USB Microphone, Plug n' Play"? Samson makes a decent budget microphone, and this one is pretty portable. Though it is a condenser, so it may pick up sounds from other rooms.

I honestly can't tell you what you're gonna be happiest with, but I think these are solid recommendations.

My personal secret weapon? A Turtle Beach z11 from 10+ years ago. Light as a feather, extremely durable, and the mic is fantastic. And I only paid $40 for it at EB Games (a.k.a. Gamestop) brand new.
there are many generic chinese headsets you can buy with that budget . i had a chinese headset before my current g933 artemis hotdang and it was pretty impressive , you might even find wireless.

Yeh i got sick of awful chinese headsets, which is why i started going with logitech in the first place. The descriptions were outright lies half the time with incorrect measurements or entirely missing features (got a SADES headset once that didn't come with the mic that was advertised and had like 30 min battery because of the ridiculous leds).

Tried to look at headrushes website, im not sure its even in english, i couldn't find anything.


Huh... I've never even seen their website.
But I just went to something like a Best Buy or Circuit City (no idea what that affiliate might be called in Australia, in Canada it's called "The Source").

But at least the website I provided is in English, so you should be able to browse their products easier.

Thanks, their stuff is actually pretty nice, for the price. Just don't have the wireless capabilities i'm looking for.
So i've narrowed it down to:

Planatronic RIG 800HD $200 retail

HyperX cloud flight $230 retail, no inbuilt surround sound.

Astro A20 $160

and logitech g533 $177 and G933 $199.