Question Need a work around for Galaxy on 5

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Apr 3, 2019
So my x learned a thing or 2 and locked me outta my device and changed it to her Google account, I've done the signing into wifi and backing out to emergency dialer then I to internet usually this is how I unlock them but I keep getting kicked back to main screen when I disable the security measures, so I threw the talk back method in with it nope not happening is there any other way besides rooting it, she destroyed my thread ripoer gaming PC so that's outta the wuestion buy 3k. Thanks in advance.
contact your service provider.
Yeah if it was that easy we was both on the contract her Google account her phone that's what I was told. Not to be mean but if I can Google bypass and actually turn a phone into a totally different phone like zndroid into windows I would have thought to do that I must have forgotten to to say she ended the contract and since she took the car I really had no way to call or get to the T-Mobile store. Thanks appreciate the quick response though.
sorry, you can go thru the unlocking faq here
2. Unlock it yourself at a software level. Remember that this is ONLY LEGAL if the phone is NOT on a contract and is running a STOCK version of the Android ROM from Google. Also, the slightest mistake during this procedure could result in turning your phone into a paperweight with a battery. If you are legally allowed to do this, and you are willing to absolve that risk, request help at the XDA forums here: This is considered cracking/hacking so I will not supply more help than that link, as discussing it further would be against the rules of Tom's.
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