Need HELP for my laptop


Apr 11, 2017
Hi, I have an Asus model # K53S. When I switch it on, the Asus logo appear and just stays there. Try con+alt+del, shift+ con+ Esc, F8 several times, NOTHING. Please help need it at once. Please send me a notification through my email address. Thanking you in advance.
If you are afraid to lose your data, make backups of it. Try doing a BIOS upgrade if there is one available. Can you get into the BIOS options? If you can, reset it to default settings and see if it allows you to boot normally.

Hi, By accident, I just press on F1 and the windows start normally. It did the same thing today and I have to press on F1 again. WHY is that? Before I lost everything please let me know what to do.Thanks a lot.