Need help to find a Headphone/Headset especially to gaming


Dec 25, 2013
I always have been thinking that gaming headsets were perfect to gaming, but after some more research i found out that Heaphones made for music are actually better than thoose gaming headsets. Is that true? My point is that I need help to get a good sound to play games and eventually listen to music while I'm playing. Don't know if it is worth it to get a soundcard, or use a USB headset/Headphone. Please help me out to find a good audio source. My price range is 0-300 in maximum, I actually want something between 100-200. Im searching for the best audio source possible and worth the price. Open to all sugestions! Thanks a lot!
I personally have two sets of Steelseries Siberias v2, very comfortable, affordable, good quality, not planning on changing them any time soon.

As for what you said, in a sense, yes, some headphones are better for music. What some people do is get awesome good quality headphones and a microphone separately. Might be a little more expensive, not sure, I don't use this myself.
Yes i am considering the siberia v2 as well as other Stellseries Headsets, like the 9H and wireless H, but this last one is very expensive and idk if it is worth it. I am thinking on 7.1 headsets/headphones.