Need someone smarter than me to make a decision

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May 20, 2011
Hey guys i am torn and would like someone with more insight than me to help make a decision. tomorrow is tax free weekend in georgia and I have been looking at buying a gaming laptop. 1000 dollars wasnt really my limit , but ti seems like a good price point for a 970m with that said here are the 2 computers that I am comparing:

The reason im torn is one is an i7 one is an i5 though the i5 is newer.
One is ddr4 capable the other is not?
one has an ssd one does not.

I mainly play steam games so that could be anything from DOTA to GTA 5.

i would really appreciate any insight that any of you have thank you!

Gaming wise the performance will be similar. Bootups and average usage the MSI will be faster due to the SSD. The Asus has a larger screen that is IPS so it will look better, plus it has dual drive bays so you can add an SSD and install the os on it and still keep the 1Tb drive for storage. I'd get the Asus and also buy a 250Gb SSD along with it.
Gaming wise the performance will be similar. Bootups and average usage the MSI will be faster due to the SSD. The Asus has a larger screen that is IPS so it will look better, plus it has dual drive bays so you can add an SSD and install the os on it and still keep the 1Tb drive for storage. I'd get the Asus and also buy a 250Gb SSD along with it.

I had read that copying the OS from one to the other could be a little bit of a pain. Im leaning towards the ASUS , but I was also curious what do you think of the difference between ddr3 and ddr4?

Currently the difference between ddr3 and ddr4 is negligible, especially for gaming. Transferring the os usually isn't too bad depending on the program used, but honestly on an OEM system I would just do a clean install on the SSD.

Thanks for all of your answers, but I do have one more question wouldnt doing a fresh install require me to buy a copy of windows. Since if I had to guess it might have a partition that holds the OS and is not included on a disc.

You won't have to buy a new license, the license is tied to the motherboard not the hdd. You can download windows 10 from Microsoft and create a dvd or bootable usb flash drive (usb will be faster). The OS will read the hardware ID that has already been licensed and activate itself.

And what download all the other drivers for the extra buttons and what not from the ASUS website?

thank you sir all of your help was greatly appreciated
Perhaps I overlooked it, but where do you see dual drive bays? I agree about the ASUS and adding the SSD drive if that is accurate.

If you want a disc, contact ASUS and request an OS and driver disc. They should be able to provide. A few years back we did something similar with a Dell. They don't like to do it by default, but if you ask they will.

And yes, the ASUS also has the 17" screen vs 15" screen of the other. That could be good or bad, depending on what you want.

I think this link talks about it

Thanks for the link. Indeed a second drive is supported. There are some conditions listed, so be sure to order the appropriate drive when it comes time.

SSD models will be listed "SATA" or "PCIE" in the retail specifications before you purchase. Please purchase a model with "SSD PCIE" listed, otherwise the M.2 bracket cannot be provided for after-sales upgrades sorry.

Here are some close-ups of the first drive bay, where both the M.2 PCI-E x4 slot and SATA ports inhabit. There is no M.2 slot in the second drive bay and M.2 SATA SSDs are not supported, only PCI-E-based (which are better!). M.2 PCI-E SSDs up to 2280 spec (80mm long) can be installed and they are held in by a single retaining screw.

Also I noticed the RAM is upgradeable to 32gb max. It appears two chips are factory installed/soldered in-place as it advises to get 16gb minimum so you can take advantage of the max 32gb (4x8gb chips). The extra 2 slots are user upgradeable.

I'd just plan on maxing out the RAM and getting the SSD when you buy the laptop. It will be a little more expensive, but the big bucks is in the SSD and having it from the get-go will allow you to install the OS and programs there and use the HDD for a slave (user files/backups).

Have you had a 17" laptop before? I only ask because I started on a 17" Dell back when they were rare. Transitioned to a 15" and then finally dropped to a 13.3". There are times I would like the extra screen space, but 99% of the time I am more than happy with my 13". When I shop for a replacement, I will target a 13-14" screen with high resolution settings as that is currently my preference. But I'm not a computer gamer either. Be glad to whip your a$$ on XB1 though, lol.

You posted such a nice long message to me i had to get out the laptop to respond properly. I hve not had a 17" laptop before the reason why I kinda targeted one this size is because it will not be used outside my house much. I wanted something that would be nice that I could game on down stairs. The reason I asked for help is because i have kinda fallen out of knowledge on pc's much anymore. I used to upgrade and build a new custom pc every 2 years but i havent done that in over years and the technology has come a long ways. Funny thing is i am not even primarily a PC gamer I also have xbox 1 ps4 wiiu i just want a laptop that can do what I ask it to when I ask it to. Mostly I will only play DOTA on the new PC which I know is overkill to the max, but there is also a chance that I might play call of duty or something every now and then.

I do want to get the SSD as all of you have recommended it seems like getting the drivers from the ASUS website is going to be a nightmare though. Thank you again for all of your help!

EDIT I also noticed you posted this "Please purchase a model with "SSD PCIE" listed, otherwise the M.2 bracket cannot be provided for after-sales upgrades sorry." sadly on the microcenter website I dont see that it specifies anything like that so I wont know until after I buy it and take it apart
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