Netbook slow/unresponsive apart from just after wakes up from sleep



My netbook randomly blue screened around 2 weeks ago and now it is incredibly slow and does not seem to be able to complete tasks unless it is put to sleep and then woken up again (this takes a while but immediately after waking up it seems to have completed any tasks it was trying to do before it went to sleep or is able to do them now). Putting it to sleep whenever it slows is obviously a temporary fix, can someone please help me? I've defragged the drive, done an antivirus check and even repaired windows 7 using the disk. Not sure what the problem is or where to go from here. RAM usage is always fine although CPU usage sometimes randomly goes to 100%. Thanks in advance for any help.

Thanks for the fast reply! my first thought was this as I'd forgotten to mention that the hard drive had been making weird clicking noises previously and is generally louder than it used to be. I can only run the test tomorrow but if it is a failing hard drive is the only option to replace it or is where a way to make it manageable to use? I don't want to change the hard drive if I can help it as I'm a student and a bit strapped for cash!

Hi :)

If your hd is clicking...don't even bother running Hirens....get your data off it NOW and drop it in bin and put in new drive...

When my customers ask how long a crashing (clicking) hard drive will honest answer is maybe 6 months, maybe 6 MINUTES !!!!

And its not repairable.... NEW drive time...

All the best Brett :)

🙁 It was worth the ask. The first thing I did was backup the data although it is the first hard drive I've had fail on me and I have 2 hard drives from over 10 years ago from my parents old PC still going strong. Ah well, it lasted 4 years. I'll replace it and use a USB caddy to use it as a (non-essential) data drive. Thanks again for your help.

Hi :)

We always say to customers.....

In a PC Tower a hd will on average last 5 to 10 years (no movement which destroys hds)

In a Laptop on average 1 to 3 years... (lots of impacts and movement) 🙁

All the best Brett :)