NEVER !!!!!!!!

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Jul 13, 2001
I've just about made the top 25 now on the THG team... I just passed Fatburger and have my sights set on Owl! (That is you isn't it...Owl645807?)

<b>You will Never Catch me</b>

<font color=blue>HOSED = Horrific operating system error detected</font color=blue>
1 x P4 2.4 tell sat then it's sold.
1 x p3 1.3
1 x celly 800
1 x k7 750
1 x p2 350

In 2 weeks
1 x p3 1.3
1 x k7A 1600+
1 x k7A 1000 </b>

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<font color=blue>HOSED = Horrific operating system error detected</font color=blue>
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Owl on 04/03/03 02:47 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Wow... all runnin' UD? That's gonna be tough to catch!

How can you justify selling your fastest rig?

700 Mflops in SETI!
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
we sell them to make more,
it's the slower that sit for some time,
any that sit more than 24hr run UD.
now the P-II 350 is for formating & cleaning & copying
hard drives and Not for sale'
the AMD's are the last,
and then we go
ONLY Intel,ASUS,Supermicro,ATI,3COM,WD,Kingston,Antec,

By new contract NO AMD - NO NVIDIA - NO VIA - NO SiS

<font color=blue>HOSED = Horrific operating system error detected</font color=blue>
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Owl on 04/04/03 03:29 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Booooohooooooooooo! Why no AMD, nVidia, SiS and (I can understand this) Via?

My dual-PSU PC is so powerfull that the neighbourhood dims when I turn it on 😱
Heh..heh...heh... I just looked. On an individual basis, I'VE ALREADY CAUGHT YOU!!! BWAHAHAHAhahaha......

According to the individual stats, I've got 56 more work units that you!!!! ('Course, some 700 or so of 'em are with my old team... but that's a minor point!)

I still use Athlons... I have the POWER to PREVAIL!

700 Mflops in SETI!
Heh heh... I finally caught you Owl! I'm in 9th place and now you're in 10th based on points! (4Michael)

700 Mflops in SETI!
*rogue cruncher chomps away*

<font color=blue>Many modern games <b>must</b> be played multiplayer. And those you encounter online are, almost as a rule, <b>complete and utter cockmongers.</b></font color=blue> :frown:
no idea. Though individually i am up to 121700 points. not bad for 1 beastie.

<b>My CPU is so powerful its faster than Melb_Angel's Laptop!</b> 😱 <i>(Plus it's not pink)</i>
<A HREF="" target="_new">THG SETI team</A>

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
You should be banned because of not joining the THGC UD team.

I love my Delta 60HP 7000 RPM fan that puts out more dB then CFM 😱
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