New fan in my lenovo laptop, still making noises

Mar 10, 2018
So, I have a Lenovo y500 which recently had its first (little) sip of beer. (Meaning my friend spilled beer on the keyboard) I immediately turned it off and started cleaning the in- and outside. After making sure I got all of it I left it to rest and waited until the next day to check if it still worked.
It did, except the fan was making the most painful noise ever. I've tried cleaning the fan and checking the bits around the fan, but it didn't help so I bought a new one. After installing it I still heard a grinding noise but this time thankfully a lot lower in volume. This doesn't mean I'm less worried though.
Does anyone know what it could be?
Did I buy a bad new fan? Is something else broken?
I've made recordings of both fans in case anyone wants to listen to my laptop crying.

Thanks in advance

Update: After removing part of a loose sticker close to the fan (inside the laptop), it did stop making bad noises for a while. Yesterday I played a very heavy game which crashed, and it started grinding again. Today it is silent.
probably your fan cover not exactly in Place and its not fan touching anything but the cover grinding and loose on some part. Still, liquid damage is your worst enemy with laptops. What you tried for cleaning? Isoprohyl alcohol is best and soft toothbrush ( SOFT!)
Did you see any liquid on motherboard?
I hope it only spilled to keyboard and didnt fall down tio motherboard, this can result in problems later on if less important components died this can cause chain event later on

How do I make sure the fan cover will stay in place? I can't see where it could be loose.

There was no liquid on the motherboard. (thank goodness)
You need to look very closely top side of motherboard. Keyboard is ofcourse easiest one to ruin, it can start working bad like months after liquid damage, but its easy to replace.

Would need some youtube video or audio from the noise can you do it? Could be you need to disassembly it again if it annoys you. First download hwmonitor to check gpu and cpu core temperatures, download prime95 and let it run for 10-15mins on blend default settings and look cpu core temps same time with hwmonitor. Then download GPU-Z and open sensors. download unigine heaven benchmark and run it settings which are not too much so it runs smooth but still 99% gpu usage, look for gpu temperature max.

If you see cpu going over 85c then abort or gpu going over 80c

I made a video recording with my phone to let you listen to my laptop. I filmed it so you can see how close my phone is to the computer. Here is the video.
I've just downloaded open hardware monitor, prime95, GPU-Z and Unigine Heaven.
The max temperature measured for the CPU was 88°C so I immediately aborted prime95 (after about two minutes).
GPU got up to 83°C before I shut Unigine Heaven down. I had the settings on low quality and it gave me around 40 to 50 fps.

I could test my laptop some more but it is pretty obvious that it cannot deal with the heat. I can feel hot air coming out of the side, but not as much as it should. (It's like a light warm breeze instead of the expected hot wind).

I've opened up my laptop many times now, it's not that much of a hassle. I couldn't spot any problems when looking in there. I'll go check the motherboard once more.
So... what's next? You've already tried helping me out a lot, but I'd much appreciate it if you could guide me some more.


What where your exact specs? Model number of y500?

I hear sound and thats defindetly from the fan and not some electrical part. I looked disassembly video of your laptop model and clearly this one fan is not enough for both i7 cpu and gpu. These temperatures are really high, im worried of both gpu and cpu temps, there is thermal throttling for sure at these temperatures if you quit after 2min stress testing.

Get some isoprophyl alcohol 90% strenght or more is better, clean gently cpu and gpu, also wipe heatsink clean with wipes or qtips and alcohol. úse force when cleaning heatsink but not when cleaning gpu/cpu. When both are really clean looking, apply some thermal paste, you need good quality stuff like these:
NT-H1 2.

Gelid is slightly better but depending on your budget, look video this guy cleans gpu and cpu and applies new paste. Dont use this much and do better job cleaning. This guy uses some cheap stuff and too much :
Look guides how much to apply thermal paste.

Your best choice would be order new fan because if you already hear this noise the fan could be soon completely stop working but, buy sewing machine oil lubricant. Open fan and use Qtip with alcohol to clean the hole, after its compltetely clean let isoprphyl alcohol evaporate and put 1 drop of sewing machine oil there and close the fan. Still better choice get new fan with good customer feedback.


I took apart my laptop once more to look closely to the motherboard and other parts, but I couldn't find any sticky parts.
I've sent an email to the place where I bought the fan. I hope they can help too.

The fan is now always making bad noises (unless the computer is turned off of course).