New Laptop (GTX 1070) crashes during gameplay! (Video included)


May 5, 2017
To keep it short and sweet!

I purchased a MSI Dominator 72VR 6RE just after christmas with the following specifications:
- Intel i7 6700HQ
- 16 GB RAM
- 256 GB SSD
- 1 TB HDD
- GTX 1070 Graphics Card
- Updated BIOS, vBIOS, EC Firmware

Now the following is constantly happening during higher end games specifically PU Battlegrounds (youtube video below):

Bare in mind I am able to play Overwatch/CSGO without any issues.

I have sent the unit back twice and they've replaced numerous parts including the CPU, GPU, motherboard, RAM, etc. They state it passed all tests. At this point I'm starting to think it's either a sotware/firmware issue or something to do with the voltage/Power supply unit!

If anyone helps me solve this I'm willing to pay $15 paypal to the one that can solve this issue for me.

Getting desperate now as I've dished out a whole summers paycheck for it. 🙁
I don't want to jinx it or anything but I posted the same forum topic on the official MSI forums and they linked me this:

"Very easy fix.
Please install this vBios.

This helps limit the boost clocks and fixes some other issues."

Funnily enough, I've just played four games of PUBG on full settings with no crashes whatsoever.
I'd like to thank you two regardless for even giving me any types and hints to solve my issue, genuinely, thank you.
I am not good with laptops... but I'll attempt to help you as far as I can. (more of motivation for this is to help you, since no one else has replied)

#1 They should switch out the whole unit if you send them this video (since you have had it repaired twice).

Have you checked your CPU/GPU temperatures while this happens? The crash, is it a shut down? or just a screen lock up?
I would be pretty certain it's the GPU, since it would seem the laptop keeps running but the visual fails. Or, Could it be ram? Faulty ram sticks can cause weird crashes like this as well, and sometimes it's difficult to determine that they are the cause, because you are looking at everything else first. If they are easily accessible, I would try run the game with 1 ram stick at a time (assuming you have 2x8gb or what not) and each in different slot.

have you tried a full windows reset? re-do all drivers? (especially GPU?) or just try use a DDU on the GPU drivers and reinstall?

anyways, that's all i got for now. but simple short answer is... low demanding games will play no prob. but when you put load on the system, that's when the weak components/ends give in.
I am fairly certain that is one of the following 3:
Bad drivers/OS
In that order. Everything else should not have resulted in what the video showed.

I would also suggest to try one ram at a time and afterwards an OS reinstallation. If both have no difference then it should be your GPU.
Overwatch and CSGO are not that demanding that's why you find no problems while playing them.

Try monitoring your system while gaming with afterburner and tell us if you see any throttling or anything unusual when this happens.
I don't want to jinx it or anything but I posted the same forum topic on the official MSI forums and they linked me this:

"Very easy fix.
Please install this vBios.

This helps limit the boost clocks and fixes some other issues."

Funnily enough, I've just played four games of PUBG on full settings with no crashes whatsoever.
I'd like to thank you two regardless for even giving me any types and hints to solve my issue, genuinely, thank you.