W Wahine1256 Estimable Aug 3, 2015 1 0 4,510 Aug 3, 2015 #1 I have a satellite L755 and it is completely unresponsive. When you turn it on the fan spins and all lights flash but the screen stays black. I tried connecting it to another monitor in case it was the monitor that was bad and it was still blank.
I have a satellite L755 and it is completely unresponsive. When you turn it on the fan spins and all lights flash but the screen stays black. I tried connecting it to another monitor in case it was the monitor that was bad and it was still blank.
Solution crinkdude Aug 3, 2015 Remove the memory and clean it with an eraser. Remove the CMOS battery if you can. Good luck 😉
crinkdude Distinguished Mar 17, 2011 31 0 18,590 Aug 3, 2015 Solution #2 Remove the memory and clean it with an eraser. Remove the CMOS battery if you can. Good luck 😉 Upvote 0 Downvote Solution