Not happy with UD


Dec 31, 2007
hmmm. I signed up for cure for cancer crunching, not smallpox.
And as such i disabled the crunch smallpox tickbox in my device profile manager... yet im still getting and crunching smallpox jobs.

<font color=blue>Many modern games <b>must</b> be played multiplayer. And those you encounter online are, almost as a rule, <b>complete and utter cockmongers.</b></font color=blue> :frown:
Did you disabled it for the right profiles if you have more then one? And did you correctly saved it?

I disabled it and I don't get any Smallpox units.

My CPU fan spins so fast that it creates a wormhole 😱
yes ive only got one device currently active (beastofdarkness) and its deactivated :/

<font color=blue>Many modern games <b>must</b> be played multiplayer. And those you encounter online are, almost as a rule, <b>complete and utter cockmongers.</b></font color=blue> :frown:
Which profile is it using and do you have multiple profiles.

You don't disable it for one specific device but for a specific device profile. I got two profiles: Default and Server.
Default is set to only run Cure For Cancer
And because my server is very slow and can't run Cure For Cancer succesfully (he never finsihes a single ligand) that PC runs Smallpox.

My CPU fan spins so fast that it creates a wormhole 😱
nup. still no dice. all unticked and still crunching smallpox

<font color=blue>Many modern games <b>must</b> be played multiplayer. And those you encounter online are, almost as a rule, <b>complete and utter cockmongers.</b></font color=blue> :frown:
Strange... did you have any problems saving the edited profiles? I had that a while ago which made it impossible to change but it seems to work now.

My CPU fan spins so fast that it creates a wormhole 😱
When you change your profile it will only change when your done with whatever you've already been alloted.

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500