Nvidia GeForce GTX 765m won't perform.


Dec 12, 2014
I bought a MSI GE70 20-E, it has Nvidia geforce gtx 765m 2gb gpu, and intel core i7 4700mq cpu, and 12 GB ram. I have a buddy that has a 660m 3gb gpu and an intel i7 3800 mq, his computer complety out performs mine. i run dragon age inquisition at 18 frames with the settings: 1366x768, on medium detail graphics. his computer run that at 40 frames. i dont know what is wrong with my computer.
Hey man :), Ive had the same problem you did when I had the exact same graphics card as you. I didnt know why, but I couldnt run my games like nvidia said it would, but I found the problem... My graphics card wasnt updated :/. When a graphics card isint well optimized then it will perform quite alot poorer. To uptade your drivers, just free download geforce expierience to update your graphics card and it will be alot more powerful :)

Hey man :), Ive had the same problem you did when I had the exact same graphics card as you. I didnt know why, but I couldnt run my games like nvidia said it would, but I found the problem... My graphics card wasnt updated :/. When a graphics card isint well optimized then it will perform quite alot poorer. To uptade your drivers, just free download geforce expierience to update your graphics card and it will be alot more powerful :)
