Obama Says: Steve Jobs Deserves to be Rich

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Nov 6, 2010
@aaron88_7 - I couldn't agree more. Reagan, while likable (by some) was arguably the root cause of many many issues we in the USA struggle with today. Corporate interests today have SO much more carte blanche because Reagan chose to "deregulate" or "privatize" things that we as taxpayers should have a say in. Infomercials were illegal when he took office. Nuff said?


Mar 26, 2006
Wow. i do have to make one comment for the moron here...NEWS FLASH..THE WORD LIBERAL MEANS LIBERTY FOR ALL.
being ANTI liberal means you are ANTI -LIBERTY/FREEDOM.
btw, the "trickle down theory" (aka reagonomics), is basically the old times of royalty/nobels vs the peasants. Where upper class had very little taxes, peasants had to make up the difference (just like today). Now GUESS how the peasants lived and guess what they finally did?


Mar 26, 2006
Some here do need to learn what ecomomics is and how it works before trying to make parrot comments commanded by their masters.
First think is to actually KNOW that a RECESSION/DEPRESSION is. I'll give you a hint: not enough money being spend.
Then there's how to fix it (again a hint): SOMEONE NEEDS TO SPEND MONEY.
Now guess who actually can spend TRILLIONS to make a difference.....


Aug 30, 2010
[citation][nom]computertech82[/nom]Wow. i do have to make one comment for the moron here...NEWS FLASH..THE WORD LIBERAL MEANS LIBERTY FOR ALL.being ANTI liberal means you are ANTI -LIBERTY/FREEDOM.btw, the "trickle down theory" (aka reagonomics), is basically the old times of royalty/nobels vs the peasants. Where upper class had very little taxes, peasants had to make up the difference (just like today). Now GUESS how the peasants lived and guess what they finally did?[/citation]

Umm...Wrong. Yes that's what the "word" means, but that's NOT what the people who take that name on believe. Just ask a Liberal if they want Rush or Beck to have the "liberty" to be able to speak FREELY.

And NO Reaganomics has nothing to do with Royalty. Sheeeeze - study History before you make comments on it.


Nov 6, 2010
Defending Rush or Beck colors you a buffoon... as if they both don't have enough airtime to spout their inanity.


Apr 25, 2006
I find it really amusing how everyone has all the best ideas on how to tell PRESIDENT Obama (not Mr. for all the people mentally challenged by this) how to do his job while all the tools sit here and just bash and bash and BASH. Get a life. Go out and utilize all your amazing "ideas" instead of sitting here voicing it on TOM'S HARDWARE, you know... where it's definitely gonna get listened. LOL. Pure insanity.


Dec 14, 2007
[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]Go out and utilize all your amazing "ideas" instead of sitting here voicing it on TOM'S HARDWARE, you know... where it's definitely gonna get listened. LOL. Pure insanity.[/citation]
LOL.. but we all know that tomshardware is the new political center of the interwebz0r. xD


Nov 6, 2010
Oh, and furthermore, as a "liberal", I want Rush and Beck to be free to say whatever drivel they want to, without restriction. It might be nice also to have an alternative... maybe something without Al Franken and perhaps without corporate interests saying yay/nay. Just sayin'.


Aug 1, 2009
[citation][nom]computertech82[/nom]Some here do need to learn what ecomomics is and how it works before trying to make parrot comments commanded by their masters.First think is to actually KNOW that a RECESSION/DEPRESSION is. I'll give you a hint: not enough money being spend.Then there's how to fix it (again a hint): SOMEONE NEEDS TO SPEND MONEY.Now guess who actually can spend TRILLIONS to make a difference.....[/citation]
the millions of middle class people?


Aug 11, 2008
[citation][nom]davewolfgang[/nom]Sorry Marco - but he's right. You tax the wealthy - they LEAVE.You tax businesses - they LEAVE.You need to take some basic accounting classes (and history classes) to understand this. Now if you don't believe me - ask NYC what happened when they slapped extra taxes on the rich - a bunch MOVED. Ask New Jersey what happened when they slapped extra taxes on the rich - the MOVED. Why does Jon Kerry park his boat in another STATE?? To avoid paying TAXES. People, no matter how much they make, earn and have - actually like to KEEP it. And in American here - once it's yours - NOBODY, including the Gubment - has any business or right to touch it, ever. And please also tell us, how many poor people have hired you (or anybody) lately? How many poor people own and run multi-million dollar businesses?[/citation]

I've never been hired by anybody, i've gotten hired by companies, i'm not a maid you know.


Jan 6, 2010
Since this has turned into a Dem vs. Rep political debate, I thought I'd cloud the issue even further by throwing in a libertarian perspective.
A quick, simple question for everyone – what does the government do well?
That’s a little vague, so let me work on my definition of “do well”.
1) Sets a clear goal
2) Accomplishes that goal
3) Runs efficiently, and with accountability.
The only thing that quickly comes to mind is the “Cash for Clunkers” program. It had a goal – stimulate auto expenses and get “clunkers” off the streets. The program started, and ended – and accomplished its goal. The cynics among us would say “they’re good at taxing us” – but they’re not! The IRS’s accounting controls are pathetic. Can you imagine a private enterprise functioning like they do? The tax code is so complicated; very few people (IRS or Avg. Citizen) understand it.
I see a lot of debate on both sides “the government would be better if X party were elected to office”, but I simply don’t buy it. Everyone acts in their own best interest – but it an individual, corporation, or government entity. The Federal Government has become so large; it has (essentially) no accountability to the average person. Neither party gives a damn about us, period.
Our best hope is local government, where you can actually enact change. Let’s take the power away from the Fed’s, and give it to the Cities, Counties, and States – and most importantly the people.
There is no need for the government to regulate marriage – it is a religious institution. The government should (for tax and estate purposes) regulate civil unions – which should be open to anyone.
We don’t need Federal standards for education; we can figure that out locally. Sure, each city/county may end up teaching things differently, but is that so bad?
Our “war on drugs” is a joke! We’ve imprisoned hundreds of thousands of people, and addiction rates have gone unchanged or upwards. All we’ve done is to create a large police state, and a very violent black market. We should have learned with alcohol in the 20’s – prohibition does not work. We can regulate, tax, and treat.
Lastly, a blurb on the right to keep and bear arms. The second amendment exists not to grant us self protection from criminals (although that is an intended benefit), but to protect us from the government. Yes boys and girls, we’re supposed to have guns so that we can shoot cops and soldiers, to defend our liberty from agents of the government. The government should not be able to regulate, touch, or even know about a law abiding citizens fire arms.
I know I jumped all over the place, but I didn’t want to ramble too long on any one issue.

Back to the topic on hand… Steve Jobs knew the right people, at the right time, and knew what to do with it. He was a key component in Apple’s creation, and the recent success. Whether or not you like Job’s or Apple’s policies, the vast majority of people love their products. Apple is an excellent example of the American dream, a behemoth that started in a garage not too long ago.



Oct 4, 2010
[citation][nom]Soldier37[/nom]Not at all, I made more money every year under Bush but thanks nice try. The Statute of limitations on blaming Bush ran out after 2 years now of Obama. Thats not going to work the next 2 years or I should say his last 2 years left. Ive never paid as much taxes as I have this year. We need a conservative in power to return the Country back to where it belongs according to the US Constitution , something you obviously know nothing about or care to.[/citation]
Obama hasn't even raised taxes, so if you're paying now than previously it's either because you moved into a different tax bracket or have too much being taken out (which would still come back to you at the end of the year anyway). This just goes to show you don't have a clue what your talking about and just want to blame all of your problems on Obama. Grow up and take responsibility. As for Bush, I clearly was pointing to the fact that he did indeed send out checks to everyone that filed taxes. That's not blaming anyone, it's stating something that happened and under the Bush administration. Republicans tend to have selective memory as we see with you.

Bring the country back? Back to what? Back to when blacks couldn't vote or go to school with you? You're a typical self described conservative, but when it comes down to it your just a coward racist afraid to admit your true feelings towards the nations first black president.


Apr 17, 2009
[citation][nom]usersname[/nom]Tell us the % of rich to poor American's, Mr. Obama?Tell us, how realistically realisable is the American Dream, Mr. Obama?Tell us, how many patriotic high-tech US corps choose cheap Asian labour over the citizens of America Mr. Obama?Tell us, how is it the rich contribute significantly lower taxes than the poor, Mr Obama?Tell us, why do the poor have to pay much more to borrow money when the rich are more prone to spectacularly losing it, Mr. Obama? Edited to remove a comment which could be misconstrued as racist ... ehich I am sure your not.[/citation]

Because the president has very little control over any of that, that is your answer.

ITT Douchebags that blame the president for everything even though his power is the smallest of any branch and it's been proven repeatedly that a president's effects on the economy don't really show until 4 years after he enters office.



Apr 17, 2009
[citation][nom]Soldier37[/nom]Not at all, I made more money every year under Bush but thanks nice try. The Statute of limitations on blaming Bush ran out after 2 years now of Obama. Thats not going to work the next 2 years or I should say his last 2 years left. Ive never paid as much taxes as I have this year. We need a conservative in power to return the Country back to where it belongs according to the US Constitution , something you obviously know nothing about or care to.[/citation]

Jesus don't get started on that Constitution crap. Bush called it a "goddamn piece of paper," and the constitution specifically states that we can do anything we want, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness of anyone else.

So tell me, how do the "conservative" ideals of the drug war, censorship, anti-gay, warmongering right wing fare any better than Democrats? Me smoking pot doesn't infringe on any of those, me saying whatever I want covered under the first amendment doesn't infringe on those, gay people getting married REALLY doesn't infringe on those in any way, and war is [with the exception of the world wars and the first gulf war] based on taking those away from people that we don't think deserve them.

Grow up; stop watching Glenn Beck.


This whole argument it stupid. Realistacly do you think those tho are really rich actually stole the money or got it by screwing people over? Really come on now the vast majority of the super rich earned that money by working 50 or 60 or 80 hour weeks, anyone willing to work hard can improve their situation you just have to want it. The rich are the people who employ you they give you jobs they pay you for your work, I have never got job from a poor person have you? I didn't think so. And the whole argument that the wealthy dont pay their fair share is bogus from the start the top %10 pay well over %50 of ALL income taxes and the reality is we are coming to a point where the bottom %50 of workers pay NO federal income tax that is a FACT. Sure it may come out of their paychecks but come income tax time they get that all back and sometimes more so stop with the rich not paying enough taxes. And to one of the early comments about big corporations using overseas labor because its cheaper, answer me this do you want to bay $200 for a basic keyboard or mouse or how about $1,000 for a hard drive and no not some terabyte hard drive like 250 gigs or maybe 500 gigs no you dont but if you built everything here thats more along the lines of what you would be paying for basic computer goods. Would it be better to keep more labor here instead of over seas sure but its a double edged sword.


May 22, 2010
[citation][nom]aaron88_7[/nom]The trickle down method has been tried and tested since the Reagan administration and our national debt should be an obvious sign of it's complete failure. Republicans talk about small government but as soon as they get in office they go on a shopping spree, or they jump into wars with unlimited funds AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE.The reality is that democrats have a proven track record of fiscal responsibility while republicans have a track record of ballooning the national debt to record amounts. Before Reagan this country hardly had any debt at all. Bush Jr. more than doubled the national debt. Democrats haven't even been in office long enough to reverse this downward spiral. Clinton started it by giving Bush a surplus, then that idiot wanted to get back at his fathers enemy and used the countries worst disaster ever to go to war against a country that had nothing to do with it.It's amazing how corrupt republicans are and how blatant they are about it, yet as soon as some bimbo with a rifle goes on TV or a preacher tells them to vote for this person all that other stuff goes out the window.This country seriously needs to administer IQ tests at the voting polls or we'll never get out of the financial mess we're in.[/citation]

are you serious? i can't believe we still have people like you getting on the soapbox and preaching the evils of the other party. news flash: both parties are corrupt and both parties are out of control. wake-up, man, this is not a left or a right thing. this is about the elitists with a sense of entitlement who are addicted to spending. both parties are different sides of the same coin. your boy obama has just spent more than any other president in the history of the u.s.a....and he has only been in office for 2 years.


Apr 2, 2010
[citation][nom]aaron88_7[/nom]That is, of course, unless you have a medical condition that prevents you or seriously inhibits you from working. Life ain't that simplistic.[/citation]
man you got a twisted democratic half truth for social communism in everything don't you. i can shoot down every everything you spew about democrat or republican.
the fact of the matter is apple invented nothing, they're just as bad as microsoft except apple makes thier stuff more idiot friendly. i pad, i phone, i pod, i tunes, macs os, mac's.
obama blundered his statement no biggie. just alot less when you are not smoking pot or left with 1 braincell left from your crack sniffing.
it happens to them all at some point or another, i gaurantuee had the 14 foxconn suicides been brought up in such a manner as this" so mr president your saying it's okay for mr jobs to have every penny when it's at the expense of the people making your products under such pressure they have no life, no social contact with the outside world from family or friends or the rest of the world under extremely long working hours and stressful conditions with minimal sleep, poor housing accomidations and blah food and being charged high prices for all that while making a meager wage all for an unbelieveably low unit production costs with a price turn around of 3000 percent?

if you don't believe me about shooting down your half bakedtheory/truths, billy clinton relaxed the banking regs and wall street (mind you the savings and loans scam had just bust prior to slippery willy getting in office) in an effort to manipulate the housing market to boom by allowing unqualified low income people to compete at the bottom teir thrusting more people to buy into high priced homes then they could afford at variable apr with falling interests rates bottoming at 1-2% (huge amounts of people failed to lock in their loans either by denial of the banks or unable to refinanace to a new loan at a lower apr.
as for your education bit, america is draining alot of countries of their brightest people. it's a huge brain drain i have noticed for the last 25 years from india and asia. problem is amiercan companies have found out there's billions of people with university degrees for the same things me, you and every one else do, only bust their butts trying to do the most and they do it for peanuts and with out the attitude most americans have these days about having to lift a finger for manual labor and that we should all have a desk job doing nothing and getting paid huge sums for it after mommy and daddy paid for our education while we partied thru those years of higher learning.
as for the loss of manufacturing, that's congress's fault after ww2 they wanted to move america out of being a manufacturing economy and into a service industry in an order to avoid another great depression due to over manufacturing and demand loss for war products while companies waited at the last minute to shift to peace time production.
congress has also let road apple trade agreements go thru where we can export small #'s of things to the asian markets but the asians are unrestricted in what they can export to us. case in point obama's new trade agreements with asia and india. and instead of continuing with trying to starve off communist countries trade was also developed with china despite the war on communism to try and cause the people to revolt thru economic and propoganda measures of information on every one elses freedoms and benefits in the world. the chinese gov.'t how ever is fighting back economically doing everything they can to flood the american markets to bankrupt our manufacturing. once tariff limits are hit, products in shipping containers are purposely wrongly manifested as something else in efforts to get them thru customs and dump them for prices cheaper then it cost american companies to buy the materials to make their own. as an example american steel companies have proven it and the u.s. governement has done nothing.
most of the industries being affected are the ones that would produce our war materials and war products.
companies in america are looking for cheapest disposable work force and facilities to operate and produce goods as demand dictates in an effort to keep the bottom line in the black as show profits so ceo's can get their bonuses. companies are bone thin and have either eliminated the competition or bought them up and are either sitting on the verge of bankruptcy or sitting on huge stock piles of cash waiting to see what the latest scam is going to be they can invest in and propogate.
i can elaborate further but it disgusts me i have to educate you that it's both the social republicans and social democrats that are finding ways to steal the middle and lower income classes money to fill their own pockets and those of their constituents thru republican or democratic sponsored scams.
fact is the united states is bleeding businesses and cash faster then it is taking in. at -$13.8 trillion national debt and 1.7 trillion gone from social security, medicaid and medicare that is supposed to be held in trust fund and record setting deficits year after year and still contiuning with a projection of -$15 trillion in national debt in 2012 (but looking more like mid 2011)
how much more has america got to bleed before it can legally be declared dead/bankrupt? china's already warning they are going to demand their 4.8 trillion payment in the next 6 -12 months and we still owe them another 3.4 trillion on top of that at this moment.
credit card and banks would have cut every one off at -$7k to13k for people making less then 50k a year, americas tripple A rating has already been cut to double A and is about to get the credit line pulled.


Mar 7, 2009
The only reason the wealthy leave if they get taxed, is because of Greed. Not taxing them doesn't help. Yes it creates more jobs, but ONLY because in the end, it's the better financial decision for them to make MORE money. When we tax the wealthy more, they don't care about the benefits it brings, they see THEIR numbers dropping, and they do indeed leave. They don't leave for rational reasons though, they leave because of Greed.
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