Obama Says: Steve Jobs Deserves to be Rich

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Feb 11, 2009
why are any of you in favor of more taxes at all, especially taxes from this country (USA). More taxes on the rich or poor are extremely bad! it's basically giving the government the power to keep extending it's reach on bad stuff that we shouldn't be wasting our time with or spending our money with (world police). We really need to tone down the powers of our government and not increase it. The more power our government has the less power it's people have, and that's a really really bad thing. Our government really needs to cut back on what it's doing now. It's not making us safer and it's destroying our dollar and economy and our quality of life and it's using our money through taxes on its people in ways we don't even want them to. I don't agree to this sort of spending.


Feb 7, 2007
Bill Gates should be an example for Jobs which is a cheap bastard and an machiavellian manipulator of masses (apple fanboys, anyone?).


Jan 18, 2010
[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]You make redistribution of wealth sounds like a bad thing, while it's the cornerstone of a welfare state...Nobody expects Jobs to give everything away. But imagine this: you make a few million dollars a year. Your neighbour is ill, can't work and can't pay his bills. If you were to give him, say, 1k dollars, he could lead a life above the poverty limit. Not far above, but still liveable. You on the other hand wouldn't even notice it. That's redistribution at its best: take from those who can afford to give, give to those who need it.Nobody expects a working class person to support the poor, but it's reasonable for a millionaire to do so. Nobody expects a lazy ass that never did something productive in his life to be supported. But is it wrong to transfer money from the super rich to the disabled, elderly, poor and other groups of people who would otherwise be dangerously close to the poverty line?And how would that fundamentally transform society? The rich remain rich, so no change. The middle class doesn't receive or gives a lot in this model, so no change. The poor remain rather poor, they'll just be able to pay their bills and feed their children. Not a fundamental change, rather an incremental one.Also, redistribution of wealth supports the economy. A rich person can only buy so much before he has everything he desires. The remaining money is not spent and thus doesn't stimulate the economy (unless perhaps through capital investment). A poor person will spend every additional dollar he has on health care, food, basic appliances,... Because of that, this money will directly stimulate the economy. In turn, a growing economy provides jobs and lifts the poor out of poverty. These people won't need redistribution of wealth anymore, on the contrary they'll pay taxes, thus reducing government deficit. It's a win win situation!(Before someone mentions this doesn't belong in a tech forum, he's right. But if the person above can post political comments, so can I)[/citation]

I can sort of understand the tax the rich philosophy but there's a HUGE flaw in the current setup. Right now, raised taxes affect families that make a quarter million a year quite heavily. Now that may sound like a lot, but that really just translates to two parents with good jobs working hard.

In the case of my family, there were three of us in college at the same time for a while there and while that alone may not criple a family, car payments, mortgage, state and federal taxes and basic necessities add up very quickly.

We are an upper middle class family but we are getting taxed as if we have excess income. We don't.

Fix that flaw, and I might agree with you. The actually rich might very well be able to spare a few thousand. Then again, there are so few actually rich people with large amounts of disposable income that taxing them anything less than 50% is worthless. And frankly, I don't want to live in a country that taxes anyone 50% of their income. Even if they had buffer, 50% is too much, it isn't a tax at that point it's robbery.


Mar 31, 2009
I have read all your comments about redistribution of wealth and how the wealthy should be forced to give up their money so that the poor can have it. The fact is that most of you need to learn some accounting and understand where the Democrats stand on. Before any of you start jumping on my case. I have been on this earth for more than 40 years while some of you aren't even wet behind the ears in terms of having real understanding about what is going to happen in the USA.

Silmarunya, I feel sorry for you since you live in a socialist state where redistribution of wealth is a common thing. The fact is that the government has no rights in telling anyone how to spend their money that they have earned. You believe that taking from the rich or anyone making above $250K and giving it to some poor person who probably never finished high school let alone attended college. The USA has done more to help the poor than any other nation in the world today. We have bent over backwards in helping this unfortunately souls and it hasn't help yet. Take Haiti for instance. That country is a money pit with corruption and a nation full of souls who want a handout constantly. We have given them billions in aid and little has come from it. IF taxes do go up then you will see the rich stop spending and creating the jobs that helps the economy and you will also see businesses backup and go overseas much like they did in the 70's to today. America has the highest corp. tax rates in the world at 35%. No wonder you see the manufacturing jobs go overseas as if America is a leaking sub heading down to the bottom. Someone mentions that liberals were for freedom. That is true in the old days but not now. Liberals are more of a socialist in nature in today's world. the word liberal was taken over and destroyed by the democrats in the 30's. Silmarunya, there has never been a socialist or a communist state that has ever lasted as long as the USA has. Socialism and communism both are failed economic and political structures which has been tried in almost every country in the world.

Obama comes from a socailist background in which he has surrounded himself with anarchists such as George Soros, Bill Ayers( founded the Weathermen aka homegrown terrorists in the late 60's), most of his administration are socialists and want to overthrow the US government. They are doing this slowly so that the public is eased into it without them fully knowing anything about what is really going on. George Soros, is a puppet master in the destruction of more than a dozen governments around the world in the past 20 years. He has admitted to destroying governments as being fun and is trying to do the same in the USA. He also admits that he is like GOD in which he wants to rebuild the world in his own image. These words aren't mine but his in the book. Obama is a socialist underneath the disguise of being a democrat whether you want to believe it or not.


Sep 4, 2007
The funny thing is the people that firmly believe that the rich should be taxed more so the government can support the poor are delusional. Do you seriously think that there hasn't already been enough money in the hands of the government to take better care of its lower class people? YES. there has but its been chosen to be squandered on other idealisms and this has happened by the hands of both the democratic and republican parties for decades. Theres no real interest in taking better care of the lower class, its just a ploy to get more money and eventually use it for something else when people forget what it was originally being taken for.

So to honestly think you can trust the government to take more tax money and give it to benefit the poor, your living in a fantasy world.

Name one successful program the government has put together that would be a role model for the private sector to emulate to be and not go out of business? Theres not one because the government can't do anything without TAKING not EARNING a dime and if I had the power to say give me 100,000,000 a year and I will start a business an I still go bankrupt and can only survive if I continue to receive more money by using my power to reach into your pocket to make my business work because I have no idea how to run a business I should be allowed to go bankrupt and you should keep your money.

Theres enough taxes being taken as it is. I don't want the government or anyone else taking another dime of mine or anyone else's money until it can correctly utilizes how it spends what it currently gets now!



I think its fair to say that Steve Jobs is not the normal result of a small business in America. In fact many small businesses start and fail in the same year. Try to start a computer business now and you will get killed. The unfortunate thing about Government is their failure to relate to how much it takes to grow a business and how much capital it takes. Obama is like many Politicians who lack real world experience in this area.


Apr 14, 2010
I will be glad to see 2012,because with any luck someone else will be in office and I won't have to see anymore of these interviews.all this crap you see are just advertisements for his future re-election campaign. If using outsourced material and labor,limiting your customers to options only you see fit,and telling paying customers to please go away with a school essay(remember that?) Makes you live an american dream then I will take the nightmare. Maybe they look at things differently in kenya :). Hey tom, can we has a article involving wires? Politics is toxic these days .


I think what some of us object to is the entitlement mentality of the left. This country was founded on an entirely different set of principles and that's how we got to be rich in the first place. Income redistribution and bailout mentalities have made us worse not better. Atlas has already shrugged one shoulder. If the push towards socialism isn't reversed, companies will move their corporate headquarters to more hospitable countries, like Ireland.


Dec 6, 2008
I've never read so many ignorant, naive posts in my life. Taxing the rich more and income redistribution is good because the government needs to manage things that private enterprise won't? Where the hell have you ignoramuses been on the WASTE and FRAUD of the past four years of Congress and two years of White House rule by Democrats? A TRILLION dollar "stimulus" bill that was supposed to keep unemployment from going above 8%. And here we are nearly TWO YEARS later and it's still over 10% - closer to 20% if you factor in the underemployed.

Obamacare is going to bankrupt this nation and Cap & Trade cause even MORE jobs to go overseas. We've seen how the government takes from the tax payer and bails out companies like GM and then instill union leadership to run it; we've seen how government wastes TRILLIONS on special interests, pork, and other nonsense.

Finally, nearly 50% of US households - which includes the "poor" mind you - pay ZERO federal income taxes. The top 1% of income earners alone pay 40% of all income taxes. The top 10% of income earners pay 70% of them, and the top 25% pay 90% of all federal income taxes by US households.

Don't ever let facts get in the way of a feel good bed wetting mentality and belief.


The Greater Good

Jan 14, 2010
Since we're speaking in generalities... hey people outside the US! Guess what? We have certain freedoms and rights that you don't have. It's funny, all the time I read how the US needs to mind it's own business and stay out of world affairs... and in the same breath, try and tell us how we should change or what laws to pass because it works soooooo well in your country.

No country is perfect, but there's no place I'd rather be. All you people outside the US bitching about us, you know what you sound like? You sound like a desperate teen girl trying to get attention. "Oh hey!!! Look at me!! I'm here, too!" We left Europe to start a country that is not like Europe, and here we are 200+ years later with Europeans still try to tell us what we should be doing.


Mar 31, 2009
Hey 10, you are dead wrong. Government has never handled anything right outside of it's boundaries as stated by the US constitution. Redistribution of wealth is among the first steps in communism or a socialist state. I bet most of the posters here are from Europe where they have a socialist government. Americans don't want a socialist state, We left Europe well over 200 years ago because of how you was running things in the first place.



Dec 17, 2008
[citation][nom]Chinchilla[/nom]Why should he be slapped? He was adopted at an early age, grew up in a modest home, co-founded Apple, turned it from almost nothing to one of the top companies in history, and fought/survived pancreatic cancer - pretty much considered a death sentence in the medical community. Just because you don't like Apple products doesn't mean you should hate Steve Jobs....he's neurotic but he deserves every friggin penny he has.[/citation]

Steve Jobs and his Apple Co-Founder stole from IBM....then stole from Xerox....then attempted to sue Microsoft while claiming sole ownership of what they STOLE...Apple went bankrupt. Bill Gates make a huge donation to keep Apple in existance. So, tell me again how Steve Jobs deserves to be rich?? By the way...he's stolen or bought everything he has along the way. Apple uses the exact same business model that Microsoft and Intel use. If you can't create it, attempt to steal it....if you can't steal it, buy it. Steve Jobs is nothing but a money grubbing thief who will say or do anything he deems necessary to put a dollar in his own pocket.


Feb 11, 2010
Nice......it is amusing to see so many people post diatribes on things like politics, being a CEO, and tech product innovation. I say amusing because I bet not one soul on this thread has ever been a US politician, a CEO or a large company, or developed a product that has been purchased by millions. Everyone has different opinions and expectations of certain things. These same 'Everyones' are allowed to sit behind their keyboard and post on the internet.....and that is all they will ever be.

Now excuse me while I go spend less time complaining about things I have no control over and go watch football with my buddies.


@Silmarunya Donating to that nieghbor who is sick is all well and good as long as its voluntary however as soon as its enforced by law and made unvolantary like most welfare states that it becomes cohersive and unamerican. America is about Freedom. When you enforce a law in which one is coherced under the threat of force to redistribute wealth. What seems like a harmless law to help out that struggling person is just another form of authoratarian control. That person is now under threat of law to redistribute money. He no longer has the choice to do so. An act of kindness is only done when the person commits to the act out his own will not when another has a gun to the persons head.

Von Death

Mar 11, 2010
Five pages of comments already. Toms you must be very careful with anything having to do with politics.

The greatness of America comes in the fact that while you almost certainly won't get rich, you still have to right to become so. As soon as the government takes hope away, the power of motivation is lost.


Jan 16, 2010
Well, if Steve can somehow manage to sell you computer hardware for 3x the price of what others are selling it for, then yes, he deserves to be rich. And those who pay for it deserve to be poor.


Apr 2, 2010
[citation][nom]mj4358[/nom]Can you please cite your references for this conjecture?[/citation]
do you really want a 40 page list that will make your head spin and either commit suicide or go postal on capital hill?
cuz that's what it pretty much leaves me with is a headache and a feeling so sick i could cry or rage to put an end to it all.
and that's just what was done in since the carter adminstration.
i would think that visiting usdebtclock.org would be enough of a dismal panic. but if you really want to pry start looking at who okay'd the borrowing from social security. just keep following all the big finacial that were enacted into laws. you know like walmart board of directors hillary clinton and trade agreements and WTO membership then bush and enron/oil companies cheney-halliburton gov't contracts barry obama and rezcorp construction campaign funding for back door city and state government contracts, lawyer michelle obama hospital medical insurance and obamacare. those are just tips of the iceberg in the democrat/republican scams to bilk tax payers out of money for campaign contributors and capital lobbiest.
it's really simple you just have to find out whose getting the money and look at how much they put into a polticians campaign fund. a prime example is follow how much money all the pill manufacturers are funding political parties and individual politicians who just happen to vote in their favor leading to the health care bill. they weren't the only ones now follow all the insurance companies who gave to politicians who voted in their favor in the health care bill and how they got the public option removed. now look at why the public option was removed. took forced spending on their polcies out of their pockets and stuck them with a lower maximum profit margin due to them having to cover every person no matter the cost to keep them alive til death took them or they got tired of life. i'm going to laugh when people live to 150 years old before they finally decide being blind, crippled and sick all the time isn't worth the last 70 years of their lives and this countrys retards and disabled out number the healthy. oh and by the way 1/3rd of americas population is already supporting the other 2/3rds and we're already at 13.8 trillion dollars broke and a positive balance of 1.7 trillion for the social security bank account is gone back when democrats decided it was okay to spend it instead of save it for the baby boomers to retire on before they needed it which is right now.
but that's ok you want to pay 50 percent of everything you make every year to the government who promises to spend it on you for your health, just like the promise they made to the baby boomers about social security for when they retire.
enough facts for you to follow? or do i need to change your diaper give you a bottle and spell everything out to you like a 2 year old learning abc's?


Sep 13, 2002
[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]But is it wrong to transfer money from the super rich to the disabled, elderly, poor and other groups of people who would otherwise be dangerously close to the poverty line?[/citation]

Yes, it's called theft.
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