Olymus Pen Raw file question


Jun 9, 2013
I took my pictures in "RAW" format but seem to be having a heck of a time getting them on my computer now. It keeps telling me that the format is not compatible or that the Windows software is not up to date. I updated everything and tried again. What else can I do. I really want them in RAW format so I can get a wall paper made. HELP

RAW format images need to be converted to something else. jpg or similar. RAW is analogous to an old school film negative. Can't be used until you do something with it.

For the Olympus, the Olympus Viewer or Olympus ib, or whatever software came with the camera, should convert that to a .jpg that you can actually use.
Are you using any type of photo editing software? If yes, what are you using? I know Photoshop will handle RAW files. PaintShop Pro X5 Ultimate might be worth looking at and it is considerably less expensive than Photoshop (http://www.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?pid=prod4900069&cid=catalog20038&segid=8100006#tab5).