Open Office...Free Download


Mar 31, 2001
If you have read about "Star Office" a big competitor with MS Office, created by Sun Microsystems then "Open Office" is the same product only without the tech support of Sun Microsystems. It's a 48.9 MB d/l so dial-up users beware.

It is open source so it is free to d/l. It comes in numerous languages and supports other operating systems also. I'm going to try it out inspite of my MS Office to personally compare the two Office Suites. Here is the link: <A HREF="" target="_new">OpenOffice</A> Here is a write up on the product: <A HREF=",10738,2865956,00.html" target="_new">ZDNet</A> Enjoy!

<font color=purple><b>An average human brain weights aprox. 3lbs., but a thought weights a load.</font color=purple></b>
I was planning on checking that out, too. It was also mentioned in the <A HREF="" target="_new">LangaList</A> and the <A HREF="" target="_new">Lockergnome Windows Daily</A>. Good heads up...

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