Opinions on a Work/Gaming laptop


Jun 16, 2006
Good Afternoon all,

I am currently looking for a notebook to do work as both a work system (I do java and C++ development) and a gaming notebook. I was wondering if I could get your opinons on the following laptop:

Xplorer64-9900 friom cyberpowerpc.com

I am mostly used to desktops (and tend to build my own) but I will be switching to a telecommute position that requires me to come in a couple days a week and would like something portable. I tend to play WoW and a lot of FPS (HL2, COD2, BF2). The big binder is my budget: I can' t really spend more than ~$1500.

Configured it as follows:

*15.4 Glare WXGA TFT LCD display
*Mobile AMD Turion™64 MT-37 CPU @ 2.0GHz 1MB Cache Ultra Low Voltage 25Watt w/ HyperTransport Technology
*1GB PC3200 400MHz DDR SODIMM Memory
*Built-in Mobility™ Radeon® X1600 256MB PCI-Express X16 Video (would rather use an Nvidia card)
*Intel Pro/Wireless 2915A/B/G 802.11a/b/g 54Mbps MiniPCI Card
*Built-In 3in1 Media Reader
*Web cam if possible
*XP Pro

Cyberpower is offering free shipping to help the deal.

Has anyone had any experience with this company/system, or could they reccomend a good system? Basically for work now I am using a P4 with a gig of memory. My home box is a gaming system, but has been taken over by my newly aquired wife, who is slowly becoming addicted. :)

Take care, and thanks for your time.


For $40 more you can buy the MT 40. Looks like a nice Laptop. I have not bought from them. Do you need dual-core? Have you looked at KillerNotebooks? Make sure you buy widescreen.
I'm going to be buying my computer for the same type of thing at buyxg.com for $1430 with shipping, before a promotional 5% discount. The XG Action 6000 turion ml-40 and x1600 256mb card, and a built in camera in the case. check it out.
Don't Necessarily need dual core, but I usually try to get a strong processor. Would Prefer AMD as they usually have better performance with games.

Definitely would like to keep this as speedy processor and graphics wise as possible.

I did look at KN's stuff and it looks great, but the only system I saw on the site that started below my price range before tweaking was had a 12 screen I believe.
Well after a bit of wrangling with KN, I have gone ahead and ordered a Wakizashi system from him. The man makes good points about pricing, quality, satisfaction. And since he seems well respected by Mr Moderator (aka Hardwareboss) and Ebay, I am gonna take the plunge.

Besides, He has graphs. No one can argue with a man who has graphs!

Will let you all know the results and try to give a layman's review.

BTW, to those nice folks who run TH, could you please give his systems some reviews? The only thing out there that made me nervous was that I could not find a review of his systems. And should the systems make weight, I am pretty sure he would not mind the advertising. :)

Until later,

Latest recruit of the Cult of killernotebooks.com