Outdoor Ip-cam which can take a phote each day

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Nov 5, 2015
Hello experts

I need a High Quality IP-cam with WIFI and Time Lapse.

My goal is to be able to take a high quality photo of my bee houses in the garden each day at 11.00 AM in high quality. Do not need video or any other surveillance feature, just a sharp pict.

Hope someone can recommend something. Its for my webpage. and I will upload a picture each day, so it also needs to be send to a share via IP/WIFI

Super if someone has done something like this. I am here waiting for some replys 🙂

My brain is here now:


Claus Olsen
Most Canon and Sony point and shoot cameras have WiFi control that you can set to shoot at specific times. To make the them outdoors all you need is to make a nice housing and make sure it has an ac adapter mode.
Most Canon and Sony point and shoot cameras have WiFi control that you can set to shoot at specific times. To make the them outdoors all you need is to make a nice housing and make sure it has an ac adapter mode.
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