Outlook 2007 – error code – 0x8000000600 – can send but not receive

Mr Davo

Feb 22, 2010
Hi Everyone,

A work colleague came to me with a strange error that was occurring with his Outlook 2007 program. My colleague reported that he was able to send messages but not receive them!

Outlook 2007 was also supplying a cryptic error message:


A Google search failed to turn up any results on the error code (0x8000000600), and the standard actions, such as restarting my colleagues PC, and restarting the email server software (MDaemon Standard 11) on the server failed to produce a positive outcome.

I turned my attention toward the “humble” PST file, and decided that creating a new PST would be a good course of action. After creating the new PST file I set it to be the default file for future mail receipt.

My solution was a success and my colleague is now able to send and receive emails as normal, with the one change being that his mail is now delivered to the new PST file which I created.

The fix goes as follows:

1). Close Outlook 2007
2). Open Control Panel
3). Open Mail (Control Panel Item)

The “Mail Setup – Outlook” dialog will now be displayed

4). Click on Data Files

The “Account Settings” dialog will now be displayed

5). Click on Add

The “New Outlook Data File” dialog will now be displayed

6). Click on OK

The “Create or Open Outlook Data File” dialog will now be displayed

* The default file name of Personal Folders(1).pst is likely to be displayed

* Either accept the file name or type one of your liking, e.g.: OutlookNEW.pst

7). Click OK

The “Create Microsoft Personal Folders” dialog will now be presented

* The name “Personal Folders” will be presented, this is the name that will be shown for the folder in the navigation pane of Outlook 2007 (left hand side). Either accept this name, or type one of your liking, e.g.: New Outlook Folder.

* Enter password details, or leave blank. By default there is no password, and this is the setting that I chose.

8). Click OK

At this point you will see the “Account Settings” dialog again, and you will see an additional PST file in the list of folders.

9). Click on Close

The “Mail Setup – Outlook” dialog will be presented again

*** The first step of the fix is now complete, a new data file has been created. We now must set the new file to be the default mail recipient ***

10). Click on Email Accounts

The “Account Settings” dialog will be presented again, this time your Email account(s) will be displayed.

11). Select your email account from the list (click on it, so that it is “highlighted”)

12). Click on Change Folder (bottom left of the dialog)

The “New E-mail Delivery Location” dialog will now be presented

* Under “Choose a folder” you will see a list of folders, including the one that you created earlier.

* If you gave your newly created PST file a unique name, e.g.: OutlookNEW.pst, you will see a folder with the name OutlookNew (or a folder name which corresponds to the file name that you chose earlier, around step 8).

* If you didn’t choose a unique file name for your new PST file, e.g.: you chose Personal Folders(1).pst or similar, you will need to double click each folder entry. The entry that does not expand is the new file that you created earlier. If a folder expands, after being double clicked, it will show Inbox, Sent Items, etc under it.

13). Select your newly created folder (“highlight” it)

14). Click on “New Outlook Data File”

The “New Outlook Data File” dialog will now be presented

15). Click on OK

The “Create or Open Outlook Data File” dialog will now be presented

16). Select the PST file that you created earlier (at Step 6 & 7)

The “Personal Folders” dialog will now be presented

17). Click on OK

The “New E-mail Delivery Location” dialog will be presented again

18). Click on Cancel

The “Account Settings” dialog will be presented again

19). Click on the “Change Folder” button again

The “New E-mail Delivery Location” dialog will be presented again

20). Locate your new folder (again!)

21). Double click on it

* This time you will notice after double clicking your newly created folder that it contains an Inbox sub-entry!

22). Select Inbox (under your new folder)

23). Click on OK

*** Congratulations the default mail delivery location is now set to your new folder ***

* You can now close any open dialogs, including the “Account Settings” dialog, and the Control Panel.

24). Open Outlook 2007

You will now be sending and receiving emails again!!!


* Your newly created PST file, with corresponding Folder Name, will be presented on the left hand side of the Outlook 2007 navigation pane.

* Do not look in your old (standard until now!) email delivery location, e.g.: your now old Inbox, as mail will not be delivered into this location, instead as pointed out, above, look on the navigation pane for your newly created folder.

Although these instructions are long winded, and they do get a little complicated around the section concerning setting a new default folder for mail delivery I hope that they are of assistance.

I felt obliged to write these out given how much assistance I have received in the past from IT forums!

Please feel free to add to this post.


Hi Buwish,

Thanks for the compliments regarding the tutorial. :ange:

The file size limitation of 2 Gigabytes for "Outlook 1997 - 2002" PST files is the result of them being coded in the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) format.

Later PST files (Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010) use the Unicode ("Universald Character Set") format, which does not have the size limitations of the ANSI format.

Here are a couple of really good links concerning the "humble" PST file:


