PAL, NTSC stuff



Ok, I`m new in this field and need some help about pal and ntsc. I pretty much have two questions. Suppose I have a sony dcr-pc120e (pal version) camera:
- can I shoot a movie , then make a dvd and/or vcd and play it on an ntsc dvd + tv set?
- can I use the s-video out from the camera and hook it up to a ntsc tv?

I think I will use an rt2500 capture card (which is both pal/ntsc compatible?) with adobe premiere 6.0 for getting it to my pc.

Hope somebody can clearify this for me. Wouldn`t it be nice if there was one standard....

Thanks in advance!
Most PAL DVDs will play NTSC material.
Most NTSC DVDs will NOT play PAL material.

Normaly no. NTSC TV will not except PAL S-VHS signal.

I am not sure about the RT2500 but in some cases a card that you buy in the Europe will be PAL, US will be NTSC.
In Pinnalce case for example the Europe versions are multisystem and the US versions are normaly NTSC only.
I suggest asking Matrox before buying.

I think that Canopus now have new options to convert material from PAL to NTSC and vice versa. You might want to look into one fo the Canopus options.