Solved! Password issue


Sep 29, 2011
ok got this laptop from a freind and it belonged to her daughter. i try to download things to it and it ask for the addminastrater password. whitch the 10 year old dosent know and they have no disk to the lap top either what can i do to by pass the addminstrater password and reset it i caller acer and they want a 100 bucks need help thanks james
Turning off UAC will require the admin password also.

You could download a linux live CD and password removal tool but to be honest I would just reinstall the entire system using a standard windows CD and the license code from the bottom of the machine.
That way you know exactly whats on it, and it will no doubt run better due to not having allt he rubbish they have installed prior to you getting it.
Turning off UAC will require the admin password also.

You could download a linux live CD and password removal tool but to be honest I would just reinstall the entire system using a standard windows CD and the license code from the bottom of the machine.
That way you know exactly whats on it, and it will no doubt run better due to not having allt he rubbish they have installed prior to you getting it.