PC Dual Screen + Receiver + Xbox

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May 3, 2015
Hi everyone,

I have a project and I need your help because I didn't find any responses to my questions. I have a PC with 2 HDMI OUTPUT and I use them with 2 monitors in dual screen. I would like to buy a receiver like this http://www.harmankardon.fr/harman-kardon-product-detail_fr/hk-avr-151.html and enjoy a 5.1 speaker system

In my plan, I will plug a HDMI OUTPUT of my PC to HDMI IN of my receiver, and then plug the HDMI OUTPUT of my receiver to a monitor. I will left the second monitor directly plugged in HDMI on my PC.

After that, I would like to plug an Xbox 360 system by HDMI in a HDMI INPUT on the receiver.

At the end I would like to play with my Xbox 360 in one monitor and always have my PC on the second monitor.

Here is a small diagram to describe the principle http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/745668Sanstitre.png

I don't know if it's possible, so can you please tell me if this setup is possible and if the receiver will switch correctly the sound and the display between the different devices and if I always have the PC on the second monitor ?

Thanks in advance !!
let me see if i understand you correctly...

in short this is what you want:

-computer to be able to use both screens (dual monitor) with sound output in 5.1 on receiver, except when you want to game on your xbox in which case the pc will use just one monitor and the xbox will use the other.

-when the computer is off you want the xbox to be able to use the monitor for gaming

now, the tricky part comes when both devices are on. if your xbox is on do you want it to assume control over audio or do you still want the pc for audio? if you want the xbox to take control (when you have the monitor swapped to xbox) and have no audio from the pc at this time then your diagram would work. if you want audio then it will not work so well.

let me see if i understand you correctly...

in short this is what you want:

-computer to be able to use both screens (dual monitor) with sound output in 5.1 on receiver, except when you want to game on your xbox in which case the pc will use just one monitor and the xbox will use the other.

-when the computer is off you want the xbox to be able to use the monitor for gaming

now, the tricky part comes when both devices are on. if your xbox is on do you want it to assume control over audio or do you still want the pc for audio? if you want the xbox to take control (when you have the monitor swapped to xbox) and have no audio from the pc at this time then your diagram would work. if you want audio then it will not work so well.

your diagram is the easiest way to connect things up (if you are okay with how the audio will default to the video source shown on this second monitor) and hdmi is the best quality audio you can get as well.

if you wanted the ability to swap audio regardless of what is being displayed on screen i'd swap one of your monitors to a displayport connection (if your gpu has one) and use the hdmi instead as a "third" monitor which only outputs sound to the receiver (your pc thinks its a monitor but doesnt render video frames just outputs sound). i'd connect the xbox up via optical. for video i would connect both up to the monitor (or use a hdmi switch if it has only one input) and just swap inputs on the monitor (or flick the switch on a hdmi switch) to change input to the video feed you want on monitor2 while having the receiver knob control what audio input you wanted.

Yes it's exactly that, as soon as a the Xbox is turned on (the second monitor), it take the control of the sound, even if the PC is turned on (first monitor). This operation is ok for me.

So according to you, my diagram is ok to be functional ?

I have another question, on Internet some people talk about HDMI pass through on the receiver, and they said it will be a problem for this kind of setup. What is it exactly ?
hdmi passthrough just means that your video and audio signal from input device (on hdmi) goes into the receiver. the sound data then gets read by the receiver and then the signal gets exported (or passed through) to your tv or monitor.

i've had my pc and ps3 hooked up to a receiver via passthrough to a single tv for 4 years or more and it works out great. no signal delay, great audio quality. it works perfectly for my needs.

the only issues that come to mind are...
-slight delay (only if you have any post-processing video enhancements added like video upscaling or similar, otherwise not an issue)
-may or may not support odd resolution monitors (720p, 1080p or other common resolutions used in home theater are definitely supported)
-when swapping inputs for the second monitor in this way you may get a little wonky behavior from windows (though if you have this set up as your secondary not primary monitor this will help.

though honestly i dont think you will have much of an issue (and even if you did, there are alternate ways to connect things up to negate the above completely.


the diagram as you have it should work on the secondary monitor (monitor 2 in windows). there might be some tweaking required but i think you should be able to get things working fine without any real issues (provided you're not using some wonky odd display resolutions)
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